以前も 書きましたが、Lieteningは超重要。これをやらないから、全く英会話ができない、といってもいいくらいで、しかも市販の多くの教材は非常に分かりやすくしゃべってくれますが、実際に海外に行くと、びっくりするくらい早くしゃべられます。突然、字幕の全くない映画の中に放り込まれたような感じで、とても困ったのを覚えています(笑)






 ということで、まぁ、一番有名といってもいいんじゃないですかね、BassistのJaco Pastriousのレッスンを細切れに載せていこうと思います。


How are you feeling today, Jaco?

Ok, good.

You know, a lot has been said about you, but the main thing is that people recognize that fact that you’re able to play, with real sincerity, every style of music. Not only every style but you can play all parts of a given piece at the same time, on this one instrument, the bass. Now because of this, a lot of people have been going crazy trying to do play what you do. You gotta become quite a big fan of the bass and give it quite an attention. How do you feel about that?

Give me a gig! You know. Well, what…

What drove you to this point?

Well, I was told at a very young age to learn,the first thing was to learn the melody to every tune, which I feel is like, ah, ultra important. You know, most bass players, most musicians, you know not just on the bass, but on their particular given instrument will usually play, just the bass part or just the piano part. I mean, the same thing goes for the piano player. They should also know the bass part too, at least, whatever, the main thing is the melody. I feel that, most base players, like, are missing.










 ・・・・・・・これ、音楽やってる人にとったら、のっけから結構興味深いのでは??ちなみに、ミュージシャンは貧乏人が多いので、よく冗談でGive me a gig!!なんていいます。直訳はライブくれ!、つまり、仕事くれー!ってことです。ついでながら、あまりLive とは言わず、Gigといいますね。





東京American Language Proglam 秋葉原校

代表 横山Leon

Mail leonyokoyama@gmail.com