Net 20 Day | yukidogzombieのブログ



today was a really great day, it started off with me finding my package that I ordered forever ago came, it was a King-Ohger keychain of Kaguragi/black ranger's kingdom icon and it came with a Dekaranger 20 years after flyer and a Goseiger card and a Kamen Rider Gotchard Chemy Card, I will wear the King Ohger keychain forever, and I got to go to  World Clown Association Convention, I did so much better this time thanks to the noise cancelling headphones Jayel gave me and Baldur's Gate 3 soundtrack, I got to give K-Chan the painting I did of him and I got to meet a lot of clowns and saw Pinkie Bee, Vlanders got to ride in her pocket for the parade, he loved it, I also got a      glitter tattoo for the first time I picked an orange and pink unicorn, the parade was fun and when everyone left the room I   to pay my respects/say goodbye again to Cindy, some of the people also liked my book Cuddles And The BlueBerry Dragon, and I got to see story dolls for the first time, they are super cute and I got to watch someone diabolo they was amazing at it, & I also got to see amazing magic no idea how they did it but they made a rope go through a piece of wood, it was really cool to see, and thank you again K-Chan for the candy & calendar, and thank you Jackie for the hats & bow & tiny bracelet and for letting me come it was a lot of fun