What Clowns Are To Me | yukidogzombieのブログ



these are just my thoughts about clowns


um I guess I'll start off with what I don't think is a clown, also please remember this is just my thoughts nothing more, 

I think most would say  haunt clowns are not real clowns coz they are scary, I don't like  haunt clowns but I also don't like anything scary, but the reason I don't think haunt clowns are real clowns is because me they are haunt  performers like the other characters at haunted houses, so yeah I think those performers are skilled at what they do, they are just different then clowns to me, I also don't view stand up comedians as clowns since well with stand up comedians they are very much the star of the show ( as it should be ) but it isn't like a clown show where the people watching it are in a way part of it too, since a lot of clown acts even calls for people to come up & be in the clown, plus clown shows are something that everyone can watch no matter how old or where they come from, 



even tho balloons/loud sounds are my biggest fear, clowns are my very favorite, to be fair the clown stuff I grew up with almost never really had any balloons at all, shows like The Big Comfy Couch, JoJo's Circus, Kaleido Star, Care Bears, Noddy, Cirque du Soleil KA & Alegria ( old one ) they would air those 2 on tv, so it wasn't till the internet that I learn people strongly associated clowns with balloons but even so I still love clowns,  

when I was a kid  I honestly believed that clowns were magical creatures like fairies & santa and I still believe clowns are magical so to me a clown is someone who is kind & thoughtful, who no matter what skills they have or don't have will do everything they can to make magic for whoever is watching, a clown is someone who takes time to just sit & talk if that's what the person needs, a clown is someone  who knows sadness so they work to take the sadness away from others even if it's just for a bit and for those that they can't take the sadness from they sit with them, a clown is someone can be as hyper as a puppy or patient & gentle whatever the person needs and I think clowns are the only only ones that can do that, clowns also do so much for so many, 


some of my favorite clown memories and how they made me feel


when Odd-Ball  visited and I loved getting to talk to him & learn more about clowns & getting see his magic, it wasn't over the top or anything but it meant the world to me, since at that time he lived 2 hours away, so from his house & back was 4 hours,  and I think that was a lot for anyone to do but I'm so grateful he did it, it made me feel like I matter, 


my best friend Jayel surprised me on my birthday when he dressed up as a clown and did an online stream as a clown it was so wonderful, it was the first time anyone ever did anything for my birthday, it was so kind & thoughful, and it made me feel loved, 


one of the very very first people to ever encourage my art was Pinkie Bee, I met Pinkie Bee on a site call Clown Forum, and she was always so kind about my art and her encouragement made me want to keep doing art, it made me feel a bit confident about my art,


on Clown Forum & on Jpopasia I also became friends with another clown named Zeeppo and I got to meet him in 2023, I was  terrified of the balloons so I was sitting in the lobby feeling bad and left out but Zeeppo then came and gave me a very nice juggling set and asked if I wanted to get lunch with him, it was really nice and I loved hearing his circus stories, it made me feel included 


I have been so lucky to be included in clown chats, clown groups, and clown conventions even tho I am not the best at talking to people and I'm not a clown but I am very thankful that I got to join those things & learn more about clowns and I get to share my art with, it makes me feel wanted, 


so the short of this is that a clown to me is someone who is kind, thoughtful, patient, hyper, silly, gentle, 


 I am very lucky to have a lot of wonderful clown memories,  but yeah these are just my thoughts