I hope Disney has a great 100th Birthday | yukidogzombieのブログ



next year  the Walt Disney Company turns 100 years old, all tho they are far from a perfect company, they are still the most important companies to me, I grew up with their movies & shows, with stories & art that still inspires me I mean look at how amazing Pinocchio looks & it was all done by hand & in 1940, and the sories & characters that mean the world to me like Tarzan, that was the first movie I saw where I related to the characters well character it was Tarzan, he didn't fit in his family at all and I didn't & well still don't fit in my family but I'm more ok with it now, but as a kid  seening a character deal with problems/feelings I was dealing with help so much, and as I got older I got into watching their making of videos for their movies and it was amazing to me to see someone paint the characters the backgrounds everything it was so amazing and my art is very inspire by Disney, I wish Disney all the best and I hope their stories & characters are around