The sun, the moon, trees, flowers, insects, animals, human beings...




All have meanings just by existing.




The sun shines on us when we wake up in the morning, and 




it cheers us up just by being there.




The moon lights up the night, and




 it gives light to the dark night sky.




It also quietly illuminates people's hearts.




Trees provide healing and greenery just by being there.





Flowers, just by being there,




also provide people with healing.




They also provide precious nectar for insects.




Bees drink nectar from flowers and carry pollen, 




which in turn pollinates other flowers to flourish.




Animals also provide us with healing.





You, too, are important to someone just by being.





No matter how meaningless and insignificant you may seem to be, and




no matter how much people around you may criticize you for being a jerk,




when you go home, you may be an important mother/father to someone else.




No matter how much the world may criticize a person as a heinous criminal,




I am sure the person has a different side.




The person may be important to someone else, 





even though he/she is unaware of it.





Everyone is important just by being there.




Even if they are not doing anything, they have values.




It is a miracle that we are here.




And that alone, without even realizing it,




And, by chance and inevitability, 





we may be doing something useful for someone else or for society.




There is absolutely no such thing as a life that can disappear and die.




And there is no life that should be "reduced" either.




Everyone is important to someone.




To be here and exist.




Let us live each day with gratitude for the weight of it.







(Japanese version: past article)

全てのものは、存在するだけ美しい | Yukiのスペシャルブログ*素敵なあなたへ (