Geraldine Gill / Narratives of Spaceジェラルディン・ギル“メタリック・プリント”写真展 ご案内










I am pleased to announce that NY born, Houston photographer, Geraldine Gill (Gerri) will be exhibiting at Art for Thought/ Ginza, Tokyo from October 14th. Gerri will show her signature metallic prints for the first time in Japan. Her motif of the Namibia desert almost becomes an abstract painting through her pictorial works. Please come by to experience the exhibition! Is this a photograph? Is it painting? Is it a totally new genre?!!! Don’t miss her Artist Talk on October 14th, Saturday, from 5pm. See you soon!





*場所: 銀座Art for Thought




<<< Opening/ Oct 14th, Sat, 17:00 – 19:00>>>

<<<Duration/ Oct. 16-21>>>

<<<Place/ Art for Thought, Ginza, Tokyo>>>




Geraldine Gill / Bio


At first glance, it is easy to mistake Geraldine Gill’s work for that of the international photojournalist who travels the world in an effort to make tangible the story of a particular people, culture or country.  To the contrary, Geraldine collectively uses diverse and unfamiliar locales as a canvas upon which she ties together the humanity that is so universal to us all, and yet spends so much time hiding from the naked eye.  Her photography demonstrates her concern for the welfare of peoples of all cultures with a gentle interrogating tone.  Geraldine’s work is about moments rather than places; and with these moments she tries to make the world a smaller place.


Born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, Geraldine now resides in Houston Texas.  Geraldine works in both color and black and white, and uses a variety of printing methods and media.  Her work has been acquired for national and international private and corporate collections.



Art for Thought

Art Alliance