Art is Life 英語でアート☆アートで英語

Pierre-Auguste Renoir

The Onions, 1881

Clark Art Inst.

Went to the Clark Art Exhibition yesterday

with my students. The majority of works

were by Renoir. Out of all the brilliantly

executed portraits and still lifes by the artist,

I fell in love with his “Onions” piece.

Simple, yet so graceful and pleasing.

Although Renoir is mainly a “figurative

artist”, many of his still lifes are so alive

with color and seductive.. even more so

than his nudes!

The reason why they are so appealing is

probably because he paints them with much

freedom and spontaneity. Portraits are always

such a hassle. You have to worry whether your

patron will like the work or not.

This is how Renoir explains the situation;

“I just let my brain rest when I paint flowers.

I don’t experience the same tension as I do

when confronted by the model… I establish

the tones, I study the values carefully without

worrying about losing the picture. I don’t dare

do this with a figure piece for the fear of

ruining it.”

The Clark Art Exhibition at Mitsubishi is a

“must see”!! The collection fits the Japanese

taste for Impressionism. I’m sure you will

enjoy it!