




超「超」勉強法 潜在力を引き出すプリンキピア



野口 悠紀雄 氏






























































※ 本の内容を、一部引用させていただきました。







Thank you for visiting us today.


This time, I would like to introduce you to a book I borrowed from the library.



Super “super” study method: Principia brings out your potential

 [Original title]

 [Author name]

Yukio Noguchi


One of my thoughts is that studying is necessary not only when you are a student, but also after you become a member of society. As the word "reskilling" suggests, I study whenever I have time. I think it would be a great joy if I could help someone by studying on my own.


In this book, only humans can change their destiny through "study". Grades are determined by the way you study, not your ability. That's what I'm saying.


Now, I will start reviewing the book, including my own thoughts.


The important thing is to have doubts and ask questions.

The biggest difference between Japanese students and American students is whether they ask questions or not.


As I have been posting on this blog for some time now, when I am taking a class, or attending a training session or seminar, I always ask at least one question. I try to do this to the instructor.(右矢印Reference article


This may be due to the idea that there are no questions at all, meaning that you have understood almost everything you heard today. Basically, if I don't understand something, no matter how small, I raise my hand during the question and answer session, or even ask the instructor after the class is over.


In fact, from the instructor's point of view, it usually makes them feel happy, as if they were listening that seriously. There, you can hear the inside stories of the field and various other stories.


When climbing a mountain, you cannot see clearly on the mountain path at the foot of the mountain. So it's not interesting. 

As you climb up and the view opens up, it becomes more fun.

And if you go to the top, you can get a panoramic view of the surrounding area of ​​the mountain. To put it in an exaggerated way, you can see how the structure of the world is. Studying is the same. Once you get to a certain point, you will understand what the basic concepts that you didn't understand at first meant.


As the author says, studying in any field is boring.

However, as you progress, your field of vision expands, and as the dots connect and form lines, you start to wonder, "Is that what it mean" and "Is that what it means" It becomes fun.


The biggest incentive to study is to feel that studying is fun.


Students who don't do well in school are not stupid.

You're doing it wrong.


As you do this, the path will open up and you will realize that it is fun before you know it. This is true for any academic field. Studying can be fun.

I can learn about academic fields that I didn't know about before. Aren't you excited?


If it's an entrance exam, you can pass even if you don't get 100 points.

And there is always a certain number of successful candidates every year. The goal is not to write perfect answers to all questions. It's not too difficult to clear it.


I feel the same way. You don't have to get a perfect score of 100 points.

As long as you reach the passing score, you will pass. An example of a common misconception is the idea that if you don't get a perfect score, you won't pass the exam. That's not the case. As long as you reach the passing standard, there is no problem.


School education focuses on training for inputting information, and training for outputting information is insufficient. This is true in Japanese schools.


Taking classes = input. Also, taking a test = output. It is often said that how efficiently a person outputs something determines whether it sticks in their memory. In addition to taking courses, I recommend that you actively take not only tests but also certification exams in fields that interest you.


Increased opportunities for output in writing.

With the spread of the Internet, the means of communication in daily life and work has significantly shifted from face-to-face meetings and telephone calls to email.


This is a personal story, but I have been posting this blog every Wednesday since Wednesday, April 1, 2020. I started posting this because I wanted to be able to convey my thoughts and ideas to as many people as possible.


In such a situation, I would like to introduce one of the things I keep in mind.

What is important in writing?


In order to write easy-to-understand sentences, it is necessary to understand the content.


The most important thing in order to write an easy-to-understand text is that the writer has a good understanding of the content. And you have a strong passion for wanting others to understand that.


That's why I'm not good at writing.

However, it is true that I know more about myself than anyone else, so I post with the motto of conveying accurate information to those who read it.


I would appreciate it if you could add it to one page of your reading life.


※ I have quoted some of the contents of the book.


Thank you for reading this time as well.

Also, I look forward to working with you next week.