大人のハロウィーン/Halloween for adults... | ロバータオフィシャルブログ「Keep Smiling」by Ameba

大人のハロウィーン/Halloween for adults...

10/31/2011年 平日の月曜日。午後の1時から翌朝の6時までSanta Monica Blvd がハロウィーンパレードの為閉鎖されました。まぁ、環七の一部を通行止めするかんじです。


10/31/2011. On a  Monday from 1 pm - 6 am the next morning, Santa Monica Blvd was closed for the annual Halloween Parade.

To be honest,  it was inconvenient that they've closed down the street but I must say, I have actually enjoyed it very much! I have never seen anything like this before (the number of people in a very unique/high quality costumes gathered in one area)...

Disney Princesses come to life!

Everyone's favorite, Mac D fries...


This year is indeed the year of the Rabbit... Found a cute rabbit in West Hollywood! 

The Red Queen has payed a visit to West Hollywood... 




By the way, these are G rated compared to the many other costumes I saw! I would not recommend children go, but if you decide to take your children, they may either be traumatized or...something might spark in them. Anyway, I definitely recommend people to come see this at least once!