in English....日本語版はこの下にあります:) | ロバータオフィシャルブログ「Keep Smiling」by Ameba

in English....日本語版はこの下にあります:)

The long journey of Hugo Boss competition finally has come to an enderc

Since the client was not able to fly in from Germany,
it became a video conference! We were quite nervous (actually, VERY nervous!)

It was a very tough and long "journey" but my partner and I were able to
say "it was fun" with a smile. (long= 2 years, since we've tried it last year as well)

When I emailed my high school art teacher, she sent a very nice response...

"Should you not win you actually have already won as to make it to the final cut means everyone one knows your name and what you are capable of doing. So enjoy this wonderful experience that only your talent and determination would create for you. I am so proud of you and what you are doing keep up this marvelous work and your beautiful attitude to life."

As she said, I think we are already a winner.
But, this was much more than winning or losing.
I've won so many "things" on this journey...

I know that I have many people that I could share this experience. Family, friends, teachers, people cheering through this blog etc.
To me no matter how great the results may be, it means nothing, if there are no one to share with.

Stronger relationship with a friend / artist. I am very lucky that I have someone I can work with
even though we are very different, but still get along, bringing the best out of each other.

I think it was my first time to actually experience how much hard work and effort needs to be
put in, when you want to be up there... this is not only for this competition, but it applies to
everything. There were times where I just wanted to give up, but I am glad I didn't. This experience gave me confidence. Now, I know through this experience that if I want my dreams to cometrue, I need to put equal amount or even more effort into what I do

Some people may say that its just a competition,
but to me... it was more than just a competition.