映画MOVIE映画 in English (英語訳) | ロバータオフィシャルブログ「Keep Smiling」by Ameba

映画MOVIE映画 in English (英語訳)

Since turning in my last project, I've been resting and watching moviesスマイリー
I think it's my first time ever to watch so much movies at a timeキャ
It can be tiring to watch 2 or more movies in a day, especially if the content is heavy dutyにこ So I try to mix up the genre of the movie that I watchにこ

The movies I've watched in these past 2 days are...

"The Last King of Scotland"

"Pillow Talk"


"Monkey Business"

"Frasier (TV series)"

Just finished watching "The Last King of Scotland"
Well, obviously superb acting by Forest Whitaker.

For me, this movie re-emphasized the power that a movie can hold.
I personally believe that movie can have so much power and effect on people.
In a sense that you can be exposed to concepts,stories,people,tragedies, and all sorts of things
that you never imagined existed and things that are important that are forgotten in our fast moving daily lives.

For example, I went to the gym today, walked around for a while, ate ice-cream, did my grocery,did my laundries, cooked and watched "The Last King of Scotland". After watching this movie, I
thought ,though the era of Idi Amin in Uganda was over, there are still communist countries, people suffering of famine today.The it got me thinking of the natural disasters that are happening in China and other natural disaster that are happening in the world.

If I did not watch this movie, I would have just ended my day or week without even giving a thought about what was happening in the world. Though there are newspapers, TV's, and internet, I feel that we are sometimes so numb to the kinds of information we get, information just going in and out of our ears.

I think these kinds of movies give a wake-up call to this world we live in. Of course, there's nothing more than the actual experience of the event or being in the persons shoes, but I think the delivering of these kind of situation through a movie makes it more accessible to lots of more people. And that is why I hope one day I could be a part of the process of this wonderful story telling that gives more options to our perceptions which has so much power to make the world a better place.

Well, Im going to watch "Shrek 2" now!