「あの人」のひと言を英語で: 柳井正さん | 普通に生きる難しさ (アメブロ鑑定実績、比類無き 2,000件!令和の世を観る開花心易)

普通に生きる難しさ (アメブロ鑑定実績、比類無き 2,000件!令和の世を観る開花心易)








 I worry that not only labor force, but also our intelligent abilities are on the fall. Look. Japan is hiring people from overseas mostly for simple jobs. We need to raise the productivity of intelligent works, so we should study aiming at that end, with other people at home and abroad. Offer immigrants positions of middle and higher management in corporations. Work together with them on research and development. Human resources in those fields are definitely in need.




人生劇場ディレクター 高野 晴夫