デーブとポット: 覚悟できてる? | 普通に生きる難しさ (アメブロ鑑定実績、比類無き 2,000件!令和の世を観る開花心易)

普通に生きる難しさ (アメブロ鑑定実績、比類無き 2,000件!令和の世を観る開花心易)




ポット: About the Matsumoto incidents, some critics say that the girls are partly responsible. They were too careless.


デーブ: I heard that opinion, too. Some amateur girls were invited to a secretive party by a big star. No fee. They had a great time talking, drinking and kissed good night. That can never happen.


ポ: That’s logical. If they just want to enjoy conversations, there are other ways, more open. Like meeting with the fan club members.

 論理的ね。トークを楽しむ? だったら、もっとオープンにできるわ。ファンミーティングとか。


デ: Those girls knew that Matsumoto party was going to be given in a hotel room. None of them is Mother Teresa. The men are no saints, either. That part is obvious, to say the least. So, I assume that the girls may have been prepared for a little “unexpected”.


ポ: That’s possible. そうかも。

デ: Eight years have gone by and one of them suddenly came forward. The “unexpected” she got was over the top.


ポ: What do you think Macchan can do, except for court appearance?


デ: A press conference, I think. Admit and apologize that he had some sexual purpose there. No joke, no pun.


ポ: Would he pay reconciliation money? 和解金とか払う?

デ: Perhaps, he would, raising money through crowd-funding.


ポ: Dave …, it’s a BAD joke.



人生劇場ディレクター 高野 晴夫