#ひとり言#Hey! Good morning. How’s it going? I’m good. Today’s July 1st, a Monday. It’s a rainy day, and the high is 23°C. The forecast says it’ll rain all day, with a high of 25°C. Feels like the rainy season is really starting.

So, something exciting happened! My son 

texted me early this morning at 4:42—his daughter was born! She came a bit early since she was due on July 17th. It all happened so fast. I happened to wake up just in time and got some photos of her right away. I texted back congratulating him. She’s my second grandchild, and I can’t wait to meet her.

Anyway, how was your weekend? Mine was good, pretty usual stuff. Today’s a workday for me, so I’ll just get on with my tasks. Have a great day, and see you later!


