#ひとり言#Morning! How’s it going? I’m good. Today’s Thursday, June 27th. It’s cloudy, and it’s around 19°C now, but it's supposed to get up to 26°C and stay cloudy all day.

So, something interesting happened yesterday. I heard what sounded like a male choir outside my office. After about 15 minutes, I looked out and saw a group of Buddhist monks walking side by side on the shopping street near the pedestrian crossing bridge.

They were chanting sutras! Those voices were the monks! They were also asking for alms as they walked. I’ve seen a monk begging before, but never a whole group like that. It was quite an experience.

Anyway, it’s a workday for me, so I’ll just be doing my usual routine. 

That’s it from me. Have a great day! Catch you later.




