Hello 😃 How are you? I'm fine. I'm off work today, so I'm planning to do some online English conversation for the first time in a while. By the way, the World Para Athletics Championships ended on May 25th. I joined  for three days as a volunteer. The wheelchair athletes use a bus, and my role was to assist them in getting on and off the bus. Reflecting on my experience at the championships, I realized a few things. 

First, the athletes were very friendly and cheerful, and I gained a lot of energy from them. Second, when I spoke to the athletes in English, they understood me even if I expressed the same thing in different ways. This taught me that there is more than one way to say something. Additionally, I noticed that the other Japanese officials and volunteers spoke to the athletes in English with confidence, loudly, and slowly. Lastly, I learned the importance of smiling and being cheerful.

I had such a great experience that it's hard to put it into words. Thank you. That's all. Have a good day. See you.

こんにちは😃 お元気ですか?私は元気です。今日は仕事が休みなので、久しぶりにオンラインで英会話をする予定です。ところで、525日に世界パラ陸上選手権が終了しました。私は3日間ボランティアとして参加しました。車椅子の選手たちはバスを使用しており、私の役割は彼らがバスに乗り降りするのを手助けすることでした。

