弥勒菩薩ラエル のコメント:
Maitreya RAEL'S COMMENT: Obama is absolutely right, and that's precisely why insecurity is better than having an Orwellian society where there is no privacy and no freedom. The world is sick of too much security.
Risk is healthy, both mentally and physically. Like a philosopher said, the greatest risk is not to risk at all!
This principle applies to our health, since our immune systems will be stronger if we take the risk of being in contact with dangerous germs and stop sterilizing everything. The principle also applies to our mental health, since our brains become stronger if we take risks, live adventurous lives and destroy any phobia. It also applies to the world, for the world will become more peaceful if we take the risk of destroying all national armies.
■オバマ大統領、 NSAの監視について100%の安全と100%のプライバシーの両立は不可能と
(Obama on NSA surveillance: Can't have 100% security and 100% privacy:ラエルサイエンス 6月10日英語版配信分)
[ITmedia ニュース]