Yoga is an ancient art that goes way beyond the practice of asanas – postures. The yoga philosophy that talks about union and connection with the spiritual soul and much more beyond that. It also talks about unity among human beings with the greater energy that connects everybody and spreads eternal happiness. Yoga Teacher Training Course in India aims to bring the practitioner back to the true purer self. Yoga spreads happiness and a state of bliss among the yogis.  The sage Patanjali defines yoga as 'Yoga chiti vriti nirodha'. There are two main paths of yoga -- Raja yoga and hatha yoga which aims for mastering over the mind, body and soul. Asana practice stabilises yogis with a meditative mind and a peaceful soul. Meditation is the mind and body power with the state of mindfulness.


Yoga brings close to self-healing

Pranayama functions on the breathing techniques of yoga and aims to still and function well the breath and eventually the mind. We come close to our self that is self-realisation. Self-realisation is the bliss of peace and happiness. Once one comes into the true realisation of self then will it radiate peace and happiness. Yoga aims for the proper functioning of all the chakras within us that lifts us from individual to supreme consciousness. The eternal law speaks that everything in the universe connected, as having a spiritual union - that is man, animals, nature, and the whole universe. In Vedic times - the times in which the Vedas were written - the world was known as Vasudevakudambakam which means one world family. Yoga course in Rishikesh and yin Yoga certification is offered by aayaa yoga.When we consider the world as one then it is one big family and we experience true spirituality. Spirituality is about universal connection and of unity in all things. Yoga course in Rishikesh and yin yoga certification is offered by aayaa yoga.


Importance of yoga and its course


One must incorporate yoga into one's lifestyle for a stress-free life in the work schedule.  There is a customized course according to one that ensures lifestyle hassle-free with happiness in their faces. The 50 hour yoga teacher training course has different yoga mantras with the multi-style course. The multi-style course which would provide one with immense knowledge of various styles as about Vinyasa, Yin, Aerial, Hatha and Ashtanga. Life would be a better, happier and peaceful place. Along with it, there would be perfection on the art of meditation by undergoing these various types of style courses. One can control and manage well their mind, soul and body and thus lead a secure and healthy life at present and in future.


 One can focus on any one of the styles and could become a master in a few periods that is within just 7 days. Eventually one can master all the styles in one go in 24 days. After completing the course one gets yoga alliance certification and thereby are ready to serve others. The certificate that the yoga instructor receives holds great many importance as can act as a leading factor for the career advancement later. Gradually, one learns various teaching skills during the curriculum. Training helps in multiple ways as there one gets the gift of varied experiences of a genuine yogi and learn great new things. The skill of teaching method and analysing students with their development step-by-step. Yoga eradicates all the discomforts in the body and enriches the experience with the content and cheerfulness.

Yoga is the mantra of a happy existence. Life is blissful for one who practices yoga in their lifestyle. One who includes yoga in their daily work schedule lives happily with no stress today and day after tomorrow. Our existence of life gets meaning with the practice of yoga.