SHIMON Switch(Before/After) | おいしく、楽しく、美しく!


Private Salon
Le Papillon Bleu


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You know I'm passionate about ballet.  For 2 years I tried all kinds of body conditioning methods to improve my figure, have good posture and dance better with ease and fluidity. I tried Pilates, Yoga, Gyrotonic, Gyrokinesis, Master Stretch, Yamuna, Floor Barre, Barre Astie, Seitai/Chiropractic and Personal Training...  And finally I discovered Shimon Switch, which I found to be the most effective and fastest in getting results.  I stopped looking elsewhere. 


It's a Japanese treatment method developped by a veterinarian, Terumi Tamura.  I was fascinated by the fact that each one of us has a little secret in our Shimon (fingerprint) to activate your body and to get all those incredible results ( see BEFORE/AFTER photos and videos of my clients) 


With Shimon Switch, my back and neck pain disappeared, and I became more flexible. I noticed a change in my figure, and I found myself dancing with greater ease. My arches improved, and my leg line became more defined. Through this method, my body reconnected with its inner strength. Moreover, I have observed that the technique helped me release stagnant energies, enhance blood and lymphatic circulation, and restore balance to my autonomic nervous system. Encouraged by my own experience, I learned the technique and began offering sessions to my family and ballet friends, who were all amazed by the results.

Shimon Switch has gone above and beyond. People who have struggled to find solutions with doctors have started reaching out to me and have witnessed remarkable improvements in their health and body movement. For example, individuals who experienced loss of smell after a Covid infection, dizziness, hip joint issues, or frozen shoulders have found relief through my sessions. Inspired by their positive feedback, I made the decision to take on the role of a trainer.

I believe in the power of Shimon switch to transform your health and well-being. If you're looking to enhance your physical fitness, improve your performance in sports and other physical activities, enhance your overall well-being, or proactively take care of yourself, it is definitely worth a try!


🩰 If you do ballet you probably know how one can become obsessed with their toes. :)  Believe me, I had already tried numerous methods on my feet and toes! I'm so lucky that I've found this particular method.



Transformation in 7 month (same weight)

Transformation in 6months



Transformaion in 11 months  (Same weight) 





The unique method


In our session we only touch your footfingers using a technique developped with the "secret" of fingerprint. You will be in following three position. 


1) Lying down on the floor with your belly down 2) Sitting 3) Standing up


The method is based on the concept that our bodies possess an inherent capacity for self-regulation and realignment. Shimon Switch aims to awaken and activate this innate ability, similar to that of an animal, in order to foster a holistic balance within the body.


Its objective is to align and harmonize the entire body so that movements become fluid and effortless. This practice involves the reactivation of the bodily systems, thus stimulating our nervous system and developing our five senses. This nerve activation allows us to correct the posture, organs, bones, and muscles that have been strained by the repetitive gestures of our daily lives.


By practicing the Shimon Switch method, we seek to regain our flexibility, agility, and inner strength. This approach emphasizes the connection within the body, between the body and mind, promoting deep body awareness.


You will therefore discover a new way to connect with your body, to explore your physical potential and to fully blossom in your daily life.



The benefits of Shimon switch


After Shimon Switch treatment, one can see the following effects:


  • Less excessive tension and more relaxation
  • Better blood and lymphatic circulation
  • Better perception of bodily sensations, especially in the feet in contact with the ground and the hands
  • Awakening of the 5 senses (smell, hearing, sight, touch, taste) which promotes greater awareness of one's environment
  • Improvement in joint flexibility and a realignment of the spine which leads to better posture and a repositioning of the pelvis
  • Better breathing thanks to the opening of the rib cage and the placement of the pelvis which allow the respiratory muscles to work better
  • Improved internal organ function through better breathing, which reduces stress and promotes a state of well-being and positive thinking
  • A regulation of the autonomic nervous system which promotes the balance of the body and the harmonization of physiological functions. 


In short, Shimon Switch is a practice that acts on both the senses and the nerves, thus allowing you to develop a greater awareness of your body and your environment, as well as a better regulation of physiological functions.



This method attracts a diverse range of individuals - dancers, dance teachers, body workers, chiropractors, and anyone else who prioritize the care of their family and themselves.



BEFORE (left) /  AFTER (right)


Common transformation (visual) after 90 min sesshion

  • more radiant and refined face
  • eyes wide open (eyelid lifted) 
  • the breast lifted
  • open and lowered shoulders
  • body straightens
  • better mobility
  • upright head position



They both look so much younger!






Pain and tension in her frozen shoulder (in red) removed






"face lifted and radiant, chest lifted, shoulder open/down" in every one of them 









Long neck, relaxed shoulders, shaped waist line, unblocking of the hip joints (hip impingement demobilization)





  • long neck
  • shoulders down and open
  • scapula well placed
  • waist line well shaped



BEFORE: pain (in red), the "flat" back (tense, rectangular shape)

AFTER: pain eased, "3D" back (posture corrected), relaxed shoulders





before: shoulders forward, back a little hunchbacked, buttocks not firm

after: openings of the shoulders, tenshion of the shoulders disappeared, buttocks lifted and more closed, pelvis forward





- double chin disappears
well-defined jaw line
- "text neck" disappears
- upright head position
- refined face
- lifted chest



Common transformation 

Before : text neck, bad placement of head, rounded shoulders, saggy chests

After : long neck, well-defined jaw line, chest up 













- legs anchored in the ground pushing downwords while the upper body pushes upwards against the floor 

- keeping the body straight 

- aligned body posture, more harmonious









before: "text neck", chest down, shoulders closed, arm bent and hand forward, pelvis in retroversion, dizziness for 6 years without knowing the cause even after going to different doctors and several MRIs. She walked with a cane.


after: head back, neck straightened, shoulders open, arm straight along the body, pelvis straightened, dizziness gone, she can walk without a cane







- fingers apart

- arch appears (before: flat, swollen soles)





He had a brain stroke 2 years ago and left half of his body is paralyzed since. 
How he transformed only after one session.









Effortless, more flexible, global movement engaing the whole body




mobility day after the session (Click to see full screen)





improvement with frozen shoulder



She couldn't put her hand behind her back before


Frozen shoulers : improvement in 2 months



Improvement from dizziness 


She suffered from dizziness for 6 years and it disappeared after one session. 

When she arrived she was struggling to change directions standing up without support.


AFTER: Notice she doesn't even hold the bar while moving her arms! 

before: stands with the bar to do the arm movement exercise (loss of balance when taking photos and videos) after: does the exercise without holding the bar. movement more fluid 







back mobility improvement (movement of the thoracic spine)







Neck mobility





Leg feels lighter








higher demi pointe, better alignment


Better balance 





Bottom : Hands feel nice and free, easy to open (only 5 min after)



We have seen improvements in Heberden's nodules, spring fingers.






For more information, contact : 



Shimon Switch session (90min) £100 / 110 EUR  

Shimon Switch therapist training (5h)  £1100 / 1100 EUR