

Having a spirit of peace is not something complicated or difficult.
The best way for you to express the spirit of peace at home is by being good children to your parents, whose main concern is your happiness.
One of the greatest joys for parents is seeing their children smile. A smile is the starting point for happiness and peace.(60 words)


None of us can exist entirely on our own. We all live receiving the support, influence, and cooperation of others. Being able to acknowledge and appreciate those invisible bonds of mutual assistance is an important requirement for global citizenship.
You are who you are now because your parents and family cared for you and raised you. And your parents exist because your grandparents did the same for them.
Someone somewhere made the clothes you are wearing right now and grew the food you ate today.
Our relationships with others spread limitlessly, transcending time and space, and connect us to the entire world. The lives of all people are connected. That's why we must create peace.(115 words)
 (「未来の翼 世界が君を待っている」)


Dialogue is my very life.
It is because each of us is different that dialogue enables us to create fresh value and make new discoveries.
Dialogue serves as a mirror, enabling us to see others as well as ourselves. It enables us to break through the shell of our ego and expand our state of life.
Of course, in today's troubled and complex world, dialogue does not automatically lead to understanding. It's not that simple. What is clear, however, is that there can be no understanding without dialogue.
Whether in our personal relationships, our interactions with our neighbors and those around us, or in relations between nations, everything starts from meeting, talking, and getting to know one another.
It's a matter of having the courage to meet and talk with others.
To choose dialogue is itself a victory for peace and a triumph of our humanity.(146 words)
