Hey wuzup

My English ain't natural anymore 

Can't stand this shit 

Just realized I couldn't do anything in Japan.
It seems I still had a hope to succeed as a "Super Star" 2 years ago but come on... How could you when all the people are dumb and don't know what the real art n music is? 
People of Japan talk too much. I hate these maggots . Stop being jealous whenever People speak English or in the U.S.

I ain't  mad nor pissed but disappointed .
I thought these fuckos were smarter n knew arts better but way far fetched.lol 

The worst thing is that I start to feel like I'm not talented. Haha..  


This stupid record company asked me to write a fucking creepy  J-girls band, so called Idol, tune that I have always hated.

Annoying squeaky sounds n voices got me sick.
The disgusting untalented bitches can't even twirk nor know How To. 
Shakira n Miley u two teach them how.

I love Kpop girls.
They are cool,sexy and know how to swagger.
Well trained to discipline and so musical.
I even wonder who the teachers or coaches are.
Who taught them?

I named my stupid inconspicuous sisters and brothers Japunks.
You bitches study English in the first place then u can open more doors n have more diverse perspectives.

You know why? God has decided so. 
Did God legislate like "Ok , I'm gonna make Japanese a world common language!?" 

Hell no.

Anyway I think I'm gonna be a composer.
I've become more confident since I wrote that stupid J pop tune. 
I was about to give up but I gave it a shot.
I pushed a little harder than usual and now I can open other doors.
The more pushes the more doors. 
I was scared but I made it so can you.

Don't worry you can do it.

Can or can't doesn't even matter to me anymo all I gotta do is I gotta do what I gotta do.
And in 2 years,

 I'm going back to the US !!