Back to Bangkok, 4 days left. 

When I got there at the first day I was too nervous but I was getting used to being alone.

Again I stayed at a hostel I loved in Kaosan road.

Then I made a phone with my girlfriend.

“Someone asked me out.” she said.

I was like, 


“So what?”

What would you expect me to say?

I haven’t known what exactly I should’ve said then.

What should I have said? 

I wanna know the answer.

As yo know I don’t remember what we were talking except that.

When we were making a phone call I thought what was going on. However, when it’s done, 

I started to sweat a lot.

I thought I could fix it so I stopped thinking about it.

And the day before the last day.

Went to shopping center and bought some souvenirs.

My flight was at midnight so I went to Baiyoke Tower to see the night view.

How beautiful it is.

While seeing this view I started to think,

I wanna see this with my girlfriend.

…Wait a minute, my girlfriend,,,,oh,man....

I was keeping it in my mind until then but it came out again.

I was so nervous.

Until I ate a hamburger at the airport.

I usually feel like eating it at airport.

Like that my first solo travel ends.

Well, eventually I broke up.

Thank you for reading.