Again I went back to the pier.

From there I went ahead to Asok to get to a hotel which I had booked the day before. 

There is a shopping center called Terminal 21.

Yes, here it is.

I had a dinner there and was on my way to the hotel.

Having thought what I would do the next day, I decided to go to Ayutthaya.

Woke up, went to Hua Lamphong station from MRT Sukhumvit and bought a ticket for Ayutthaya. 

I was in a hurry because the train would leave soon.

Move, stop, move, stop. 

It repeatedly moved and stopped.

A man sitting next to me spoke to me in Thai.

I was confused because I cannot understand Thai and he looked at me,

“Aren’t you Thai?”

“Ah,,,N,,No,,,, I’m Ja,,,,Japanese.”

“I thought you were Thai!!! Hahahaha”

We look like the same. We live in Asia.

In addition I got a tan a lot that time.

After that he kept speaking to me in English but I was just smiling. No replied. Because I couldn’t speak in English.

What Japanese smiles when we don’t understand is not only a good thing but also a bad thing. I realised so when I studied abroad.

Got to Ayutthaya station and walked. 

Normally people use taxi but I walk. 

I suppose I can see an interesting thing more easily than I get on the taxi.

I can go wherever I want, too.

As soon as I got the hotel I went to see the heritages. I chose seeing them, riding a bicycle. Had a really good time.

This is the hotel’s lobby.


I like it.

By the way. I don’t know the history at all. 

I just see and am moved them.  That’s it.

I hope someday I will learn it.

Glanced at them, cycled with full of energy.

I was exhausted at night.

So I slept like a log.

Next blog I’m going to write about when I got non-Japanese friend in other country for the first time.

Thank you for reading.