大相撲三月場所で、尊富士 (たけるふじ) 関 (伊勢ケ濱 [いせがはま] 部屋、東前頭17枚目) が大活躍しています。

In the ongoing Ozumo March basho, Takerufuji (尊富士関) (Isegahama Stable [伊勢ヶ濱部屋]; East Maegashira 17 [東前頭17枚目]) is performing magnificently。


彼は初土俵は令和4年十一月場所です。その場所で序ノ口優勝し、次の令和5年一月場所で序二段優勝しました。現在の大相撲三月場所は彼にとって9場所目です。9場所で幕内力士になったのみならず、今場所は明日 (令和6年3月23日 [土曜日]) の取組で勝てば、新入幕にして幕内最高優勝することになります。

He entered the world of Ozumo in the November basho of Reiwa 4 (2022) (令和4年十一月場所). In his first basho, he won the championship in jyonokuchi (序ノ口) (the lowest-ranking division in Ozumo). In the following January basho of Reiwa 5 (2023) (令和5年一月場所), he won the championship in jyonidan (序二段) (the second-lowest-ranking division in Ozumo). The ongoing March basho is Takerufuji's ninth basho. He became a makunouchi rikishi (幕内力士: a wrestler in the highest-ranking division in Ozumo) in just nine basho. Moreover, if he wins his bout tomorrow, which is Saturday, March 23, Reiwa 6 (2024), he will win the grand championship of the makunouchi division (幕内最高優勝) as a newly promoted rikishi to the division (新入幕力士).


明日の取組結果はもちろん明日わかることですが、全く恐ろしいほどの早い出世ぶりと強さです。ちなみに、明日の尊富士関の対戦相手は朝乃山 (あさのやま) 関 (高砂 [たかさご] 部屋、西前頭筆頭 [ひっとう]) です。

The result of Takerufuji's bout tomorrow will certainly not be known until tomorrow. However, his rapid rise in rank and his strength are astonishing. Incidentally, his opponent in the bout tomorrow is Asanoyama (朝乃山関) (Takasago Stable [高砂部屋]; West Maegashira 1 [西前頭筆頭]).



Meanwhile, I wonder why high-ranking rikishi, especially those of Komusubi or above (三役以上の力士), have mostly failed to defeat Takerufuji.


三月場所が始まった時には、私は琴ノ若 (ことのわか) 関 (佐渡ヶ嶽 [さどがたけ] 部屋、西大関) の優勝を期待していました。残念ながら今場所の彼の優勝の可能性はなくなりましたが、来場所の捲土重来を期待します。

At the beginning of the current March basho, I was hoping that Kotonowaka (琴ノ若関) (Sadogatake Stable [佐渡ヶ嶽部屋]; West Ozeki [西大関]) would win the makunouchi grand championship. Although Kotonowaka no longer has any chance of winning the championship this basho, I hope he will emerge stronger and perform better in the next basho.



Takerufuji is not only strong, but also seems remarkably calm and collected for a new makunouchi rikishi. I am impressed with his commanding presence and courage although he is just 24 years old and has relatively little experience in the world of Ozumo. His calm bearing and courage must be a product of both his own rigorous physical and mental efforts and the excellent guidance of his parents, teachers, coaches, and stable master (親方).  



I cannot take my eyes off the Ozumo bouts tomorrow, which is the 14th day of the March basho.