本日 (令和5年 [2023年] 9月23日 [土曜日])、大相撲九月場所は14日目を終えました。

Today (Saturday, September 23, Reiwa 5 [2023]), the Ozumo September Basho (大相撲九月場所) saw its 14th day, which is the day before the basho's last day.


幕内では、熱海富士 (あたみふじ) 関 (東前頭15枚目; 伊勢ケ濱 [いせがはま] 部屋) が11勝3敗で優勝争いの先頭に立っています。明日千秋楽に勝てば、熱海富士関の初優勝が決まります。

In the Makunouchi division (幕内), Atamifuji (熱海富士関) (East Maegashira 15 [東前頭15枚目]; Isegahama Stable [伊勢ケ濱部屋]) is ahead of everyone else with the score of 11 wins and 3 losses. If he wins his bout tomorrow, which is Sensyuraku (千秋楽: the last day of a basho), then he will become the Makunouchi champion (幕内最高優勝力士) of the basho, which will be his first Makunouchi title.


十両では、大の里 (おおのさと) 関 (東十両14枚目; 二所ノ関 [にしょのせき] 部屋) と一山本 (いちやまもと) 関 (西十両7枚目; 放駒 [はなれごま] 部屋) が12勝2敗で並んでいます。

In the Juryo division (十両), Ohnosato (大の里関) (East Juryo 14 [東十両14枚目]; Nishonoseki Stable [二所ノ関部屋]) and Ichiyamamoto (一山本関) (West Juryo 7 [西十両7枚目]; Hanaregoma Stable [放駒部屋]) are in a tie with the score of 12 wins and 2 losses.



In the Makushita division (幕下), the following seven rikishi have the same score of 6 wins and 1 loss.


日翔志 (ひとし) (西幕下3枚目; 追手風 [おいてかぜ] 部屋)

Hitoshi (日翔志) (West Makushita 3 [西幕下3枚目]; Oitekaze Stable [追手風部屋])


北大地 (きただいち) (西幕下17枚目; 立浪 [たつなみ] 部屋)

Kitadaichi (北大地) (West Makushita 17 [西幕下17枚目]; Tatsunami Stable [立浪 部屋])


嘉陽 (かよう) (西幕下23枚目; 二所ノ関部屋)

Kayo (嘉陽) (West Makushita 23 [西幕下23枚目]; Nishonoseki Stable [二所ノ関部屋])


朝白龍 (あさはくりゅう) (西幕下27枚目; 高砂 [たかさご] 部屋)

Asahakuryu (朝白龍) (West Makushita 27 [西幕下27枚目]; Takasago Stable [高砂部屋])


千代嵐 (ちよあらし) (西幕下47枚目; 九重 [ここのえ] 部屋)

Chiyoarashi (千代嵐) (West Makushita 47 [西幕下47枚目]; Kokonoe Stable [九重部屋])


大青山 (だいせいざん) (東幕下50枚目; 荒汐 [あらしお] 部屋)

Daiseizan (大青山) (East Makushita 50 [東幕下50枚目]; Arashio Stable [荒汐部屋])


大野城 (おおのじょう) (西幕下53枚目; 高田川 [たかだがわ] 部屋)

Ohnojo (大野城) (West Makushita 53 [西幕下53枚目]; Takadagawa Stable [高田川部屋]) 



I have no idea how a runoff will be conducted for the seven Makushita rikishi with the same score.



In any case, I, as a sumo fan, cannot take my eyes off what will happen in the bouts tomorrow.