
I had no doubt whatsoever that Harry would fall head-over-heels in love with Meghan the moment she confided in me that they'd become close enough to go on holiday together for the first time. 


That was 2016 and I myself had fallen under Meghan's spell, as everyone did. I was drawn to her warm personality, her comforting nature and her ability to make you feel as if you truly were the only person in the world who mattered.


I understood straight away she would mesmerise that broken-hearted young boy we saw following his mother's coffin, and I was almost as excited as she was about her conquest.


Yet when I heard on Wednesday that she and Harry were planning such a drastic move as stepping back from their duties as senior Royals, I was not completely surprised.


Because I know from first-hand experience that Meghan is a businesswoman first and foremost – and in purely commercial terms this is an excellent time for her to pick up where she left off, building her career as an actress and a public figure. 


And if that means dragging Harry out of the Royal Family and into her world – the 'real world' as she would feel – then so be it. 


Yes, her decisions to move forward in her life can seem abrupt, even ruthless, to those left behind. It's happened several times before, including to me. 


It's only the speed with which 'Megxit' has unfolded that's taken me aback. I thought she'd stick with it for a few years before she cracked.

メーガンに初めて会ったのは2014年、私の別のクライアントに紹介された。その頃はまだアメリカのリーガルドラマSUITSに出演していて、ライフスタイルブログ『The Tig』を立ち上げたかりだった。私はすぐに彼女が特別だと、スターになる資質を持ってる人だと分かった。

I first came across Meghan in 2014 when she was introduced by another of my clients. Back then, she was still acting in the US legal drama Suits and had recently launched her lifestyle website, The Tig. I could immediately tell she was special, that she had star quality.


I became her commercial agent, helping her obtain endorsements and sponsorship deals with leading brands. 


She was razor-sharp – creative and meticulous, with a good business brain and an American entrepreneurial attitude towards life.


awake(目覚める/悟る)という言葉をベースにしたスラングで、ソーシャル・アウェアネス(社会で起きていることに対する認識)があることを意味する。今起きている社会問題に対して認識や理解を深めようという意味で、「stay woke(ウォークでいよう)」というフレーズがSNSで使われ出して流行した。

She certainly knew her own mind and was not afraid even then to voice her 'woke' opinions. 


I still recall her refusal to stay at a leading London hotel because, she discovered, it kept a parrot in a cage.


Meghan quickly became much more than a client. We fell into an easy friendship after only a few meetings. 


I had deep affection for her and was under the impression that she felt the same – she said as much. 


Believing that we could trust one another, we spoke openly to each other about our personal lives and she revealed much about her life and character. 


She valued my advice in both her professional and personal life and showed that she took real note of it.


I'm afraid, however, that I had real misgivings when I realised she wanted Harry to propose to her.


I doubted whether Meghan would be able to sustain the unrelenting pressure of being Harry's girlfriend, let alone – wonder of wonders – his wife. 


The moment she told me their relationship was looking serious, my enthusiasm turned to concern. For both of them.


It wasn't just the media attention. I distinctly remember explaining as we sipped wine in London's West End that she must cope with the enormous expectations of the British public, the Royal Family and their courtiers. Her reaction was to hold up her hand and silence me.


'Save it,' she said, in a steely manner I had not noticed before. 'I don't wanna hear it... this is a positive time in my life.'


At that moment I felt uncomfortable in her company for the first time. It wasn't as if we hadn't shared secrets before, but this time it was different.


I didn't know it then, but it was the beginning of the end of our friendship and professional relationship. 


She is a very ambitious woman and, when it is time to move on in her life, Meghan has a way of closing the door on the past, as she did with her father, her siblings, her first husband and with me.


I believed then, as I do now, that she was no ingenue, but a worldly-wise woman on the mission of her life, the mission to bag not any old prince, but The Prince!

だから彼女がTom Bradyとのインタビューで、「友人たちにメディアの恐ろしさを注意されたけど、私は世間知らずだった」と話した時に、控えめに言って腹黒さを感じた。ハリーと出会った頃にはメーガンはすでに立派な大人の女性だった。

That's why I thought it was disingenuous, to put it mildly, when she told Tom Bradby during their ITV interview that she had been 'naive when friends warned her against the dangers of the media'. Meghan was a proper, grown-up woman when she met Harry.


She has also said that, being American, she didn't even know who Harry was.


That made me laugh out loud – I know when nonsense is nonsense, and this was demonstrable rubbish.


'We're going to change the world,' she had gushed in my ear, her eyes sparkling with steely determination. I took her to mean that they were going to RULE the world.


I am certain it has been her influence on Harry that is taking him away from his family. I don't mean to say he has no willpower of his own, but he put it well himself: 'What Meghan wants, Meghan gets.'