Today, I got a passport to go abroad. プレゼントWhat am I doing in foreign country??飛行機飛行機飛行機 Of course, to study English. UFO宇宙人宇宙人If I can afford to study fashion, I will be willing to do it.メガネ王冠1指輪 Getting a passport is a little boring, taking my picture, filling in my identification, and more.ガーン I'm realizing that I will go abroad. ひらめき電球After getting a passport, I went to "EISUU GAKKANN". It is the cram school which I commuted to when I prepared for the college entrance examinations.プンプンメモあせる I study English there surrounded people who are more younger than me!! 男の子女の子女の子男の子How old am I looking from them??パンダパンダパンダ

I had an interesting dream. ヒミツOh!? Sorry, this dream is that you can have a dream during sleeping in the bed.星空星空 ぐぅぐぅAre you understand??えっ In my dream, I was been pursuing by gangster,he had a very stern face. ショック!手裏剣手裏剣I was running away from him. 走る人あせるあせるSometimes I escaped in the building but he was already there, another time I thought I could run away from him but the next instant, he was just in front of me!! ドクロドクロドクロOhhhh nooooo!!天使

Thank you for your kindness.ニコニコパー It's not balling but bowling!OK I will remember it.えっメモ My best score is about 130 but average 90. キラキラI'm not good at bowling but it's my boom!!とかげとかげとかげ

About smoking, I was a very bad actor in my childhood.タバコタバコプンプンむかっ病院I had RIIZENTO, school uniform is very short and everything about bad action did!!..........................ドクロドクロドクロドクロドクロドクロドクロ

It's joke!!ニコニコあせる I only thought that it's easy for you to image our talking and also I have never smoked.キラキラ

I met with my friends who are childhood friends. 野球We went to "100yen king" which is game center like "JJ". UFOUFOUFOI had never been there but this place was more interesting than I think.ニコニコニコニコ 音譜It have a lot of playing equipment for example, billiards and balling. サッカーゴルフサーフィンWe played balling some time and we were very excited!! メラメラメラメラメラメラAfter played this place, we went to "JOYFUL". ワインDo you know it?? えっIt's familly restaurant. とかげカメクマノミWe talked about our childhood. タバコむっYou know, every time we are together we are talking about it and this thing will continue forever. キラキラキラキラキラキラ

I bought an English book whose title is "shadowing in English." メガネメガネメガネI think my weakpoint is a conversation skill so I selected this book!!虹 Its feature is spoken by some movie stars, for example, Leonardo DiCaprio and etc. OKIt's attractive for me. 王冠1キラキラI will try to increase my vocabulary from this book and become a movie star like a Leonardo DiCaorio.とかげカエル It means an imitation. 耳耳First step of learning is the imitation I think!!ぶーぶーぶーぶーうり坊

"Could you lent me your book about English??" I said my teacher today.キラキラ I thought he said "of course." but actually he said "no!!"ショック!ショック!ショック!Because he thinks it is a different the affection from the overprotection!! むっパンチ!パンチ!He is a respectable teacher. 柔道あせるI think try to do something more and more by myself.黄色い花コスモス Somedays I wanna become a true man and say THANK YOU to my teacher.ニコニコパー

Recentry I'm not willing to study English.雨雨汗 Whyむっ?? I don't knowブタネコ. I wanna try to change how to study English but how should I do... ドクロドクロドクロMy English teacher said that "there is no royal road to learning".キラキラ It's true and this words will lead me to the glory days I think so. 虹But now I wanna have a break...........サーフィンUhhhhh, it's difficult problem for me.ショック!ショック!ショック!

Today I went to Nagoya becase of job hunting for my future.走る人走る人走る人 This seminar was only an apparel company.宝石ブルー宝石赤宝石緑 In the hole, the atomosphere was good.虹 But it was the best fun for me that I was in the train among new Osaka and Nagoya station.飛行機 When I saw the Kiso river on the way, I felt I was very fun. I don't know why I was very fun.ロケットロケットHahahahaUFO Anyway I had a good experience today.キラキラ


I met my friends in their university today .ぶーぶー They are students of fourth year in university, and me too.柔道柔道おにぎりThey and I are different university but I had some business with their univercity about graduate school. So I had to go there and had free time. That's why I could meet them. They are going their way which encouraged me to try everything. I don't know what to do my future, but as if they said that did your best, well you can open your way. They have a hot heartメラメラメラメラメラメラ Thank you虹

Nice to meet youカエルカエルカエルI'm yamario. Why is my name yamario?? So it's mixed my name and Mario, Mario is character of Nintendow.

Today, I went to go shopping to present for my teacher, he is a professor.王冠1 This year he rised to an associate professor, so I' m going to congratulate him on his promotion with same seminar member.爆弾キラキラ I found some good items. It's a pair of cuff links. Cuff link is sleeve button of shirt or jacket. It was the trend in old time of England. I thought bought them but they are high cost so I gave up buying them. I think I'm going to buy them for him. oh!!!! It's secretヒミツヒミツ!!!!!!!