I'm sorry not to write a diary yesterday.ショック! I must make a paper which is planing document about graduate school. ポストポストUFOIt is very difficult for me because I don't have a plan when I enter the graduate school. しょぼん汗It took about 3 hours to finish it and I must send a this document by this tomorrow morning.走る人走る人走る人あせる I felt anxious about whether finish it or not in time. ガーンBut I could finish it in time so I relieved. ニコニコ晴れToday I don't enough to sleep in this reason. カエルカエルカエル

I'm watching TV on soccer, Japan national team vs Bulgaria national team. サッカーサッカーサッカーBut I only watched it at the half time so I'm very excited now. 柔道メラメラ Because I don't know the game's result. パーPlease don't tell me result of this game!!むっむっむっNG I will continue to watch the game.キラキラ
I submitted a written application about go abroad to study English today. ポストI decided to go to Washington University but I think I change this University to Flinders University in Australia. ガーンガーンガーンWhy do I want to change the University?? Because Washington University is high cost and the other one is very low cost.ねこへび If I go to which country, I think I should be able to enough study English. キラキラThe problem is that there is a lot of students of same university at Fliders University.男の子男の子男の子 男の子男の子I wanna go to a university which has less students of same university. ブタネコクマペンギンIt's difficult problem. ショック!あせる
I went to go to school today.ぶーぶーぶーぶーぶーぶー It takes about 3 hours to go to school. 電車I live in Wakayama and the school locates in Neyagawa city, prefecture Osaka. ビルIt' very long way...so I decide the time in the train will use for studying English but it is very difficult. メモ Why?? Because when I go to school I must always wake up early so I fall asleep in the train...ショック!ぐぅぐぅI struggle to study English like this every day!!メラメラメラメラメラメラ

I ate some Okonomiyaki at dinner.ビールビール It's was cooked by myself at home.音譜 The taste was good. ブタブタI give flavor to Okonomiyaki by some soy sauce, pieces of dried bonito and cayenne pepper not Okonomiyaki sauce!!虹 You tri it!! ニコニコパー

OOOhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! ビックリマークビックリマークNow I'm drinking Bakuga which is soy milk drink. カクテルグラスI found that I don't like this taste.....ガーンガーンガーンUhhh I can't drink any more but there is some this drink in the cup......ドクロドクロドクロドクロドクロ

I had to wake up at 7a.m well to be accurate, wake up at 5:50a.m. 晴れ晴れ晴れAnyway I had to wake up early to reach the school at 9a.m.走る人あせる Because there is the teaching class from today every saturday. ビルDue to this class, I need to get up early so it makes me depress. ショック!汗When I was a child, I could wake up early but it difficult for me to wake up early older and older. 夜の街キラキラI think I'm going to go to bed early on fryday night for getting up tomorrow morning.フグフグ After that, I only to pray the God for waking up!! 柔道柔道柔道
Today I'm very sleepy...晴れぐぅぐぅぐぅぐぅWhy?? I don't know.とかげとかげ I may be tierd or the weather is very fine so it sends me to bed. 黄色い花ハチハチI will have to wake up early tomorrow because go to school to attend the class. メモSo I will try to go to bed early and I have already felt sleepy.ショック!ぐぅぐぅ From now, I'm taking a bath before preparing for going to school. うり坊うり坊ぶーぶー
Do you know the Arida River in Wakayama??宇宙人宇宙人 I went to see this river today.虹 It's a big but I don't know whether the water is clear because when I reached the river, the night had already fallen. ショック!星キラキラI was shocked but I could see a magnificent bridge which is illuminated at night. キラキラキラキラThe name of the bridge is "Big Bridge Of The Center In Arida". フグフグ"Aridacyuuouohashi" in Japanese. パーIt's one of the most wonderful bridge in Wakayama I think!!キノコキノコキノコ
Today it's a veeeeeeeeeery slow life for me and relaxed.温泉温泉温泉 It's a fine day so I did sunbathing, cleaned my room and hanged out myfuton. 船After I did them, I watched the movie whose title is "King of the South". テレビIt's "MINAMINOTEIOU" in Japanese. 夜の街I like this movie. ニコニコパーIt's a holyday today but I have been in my house. 黄色い花ハチI had a lot of free and relaxing time so I could rest enough. カエルカエルI thought sometimes people need to rest, especially, too hard working person!! 走る人走る人走る人あせる

I read the newspaper about Marilyn Monlow. ポストDo you know her?? The newspaper said the goods of her exhibition is being held until 15th, May.指輪サンダルカバン Why is she so popular?? キラキラAnd also, it's a pity that she was dead such a young age. She died at 36. The reason is not clear yet... I can only say that she has a lot of mystery.

I think the death may be a mysterious or the existence may be a mysterious. Uuup, this is a philosophical field. Hahaha!!ニコニコあせる