(原文)A frozen feline is thawed out after she was found in a snowbank.



thaw の意味 



(*´Д`) softbank ではない(笑)


(原文)Fluffy the cat was literally dethawed after she was found buried in snow, her fur matted in ice.




(原文)Her owners discovered her buried in the snow near their Kalispell, Montana, home on January 31.


カリスペル (英: Kalispell) は、


(原文)They rushed her to the Animal Clinic of Kalispell just in time.


On timeと Just in time は同じ意味でしょうか?
On timeは、時刻通りの電車に「間に合った」。
Just in timeは、予定されていないことに「ぎりぎり間に合う」


(原文)When she got to the clinic, her temperature was below 90°F, said Dr. Jevon Clark.



(原文)A normal temperature for a cat is around 100°-102°F.




(原文)She was so cold the staff struggled to get an IV in her right away.


intravenous injectionを略した言葉


(原文)"They used a few different methods to raise her body temperature: warm water, hair dryers, heated towels.



(原文)Fluffy spent one night in the ER before returning home with her owners.


イー‐アール【ER】[emergency room]
《emergency room》救急患者を受け入れて治療する設備のある施設・部屋。救急治療室。救急救命室。緊急救命室。救命救急室。


(原文)The 3-year-old cat was mostly an outdoor cat that the owners "acquired" when they moved into their new home.



(原文)Because the owners weren't home at the time, they aren't positive how Fluffy got stuck in the snow.



(原文)The clinic said there were some signs of injury and they believe she couldn't get to her "warm spot."
