2018/04/17 18:00



The insane religious-fanatic Zionists who have been trying for years to start Armageddon have failed yet again in their latest attempt, this time in Syria. 

They now face serious repercussions, possibly starting with a revolution in France.

It is difficult for sane, reality-based people to understand that the Western political and financial establishment has been hijacked by religious fanatics who are trying to carry out their interpretation of Biblical prophecy with the murder of 90% of humanity and the enslavement of the survivors.

The Kushner family bought a building on 666 Fifth Avenue in New York at way above market prices.

また、非公開のウエブサイトからこの情報を削除しようとする重大な企みがあったにもかかわらず、Lucent Technologies社がそこに拠点を置いて、移植可能なRFID(無線電波通信)チップを開発。していたことを確認できる。
And yes, despite a major attempt to scrub this information from non-“conspiracy” websites, we can confirm that Lucent Technologies was based there and was developing an implantable RFID chip. 

We must also remind ourselves that Kushner is a member of the radical Chabad sect that aims to have 2,800 slaves for each of its followers after the rest of humanity is killed. 

In other words, it is possible to factually confirm that the son-in-law of the president of the United States is part of a group that is trying to actually turn the following Biblical prophecy into reality:


Revelation 13:16-18
“Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name…and his number is 666.”



At this point, it is worth reminding readers that this verse is from the New Testament and not the Jewish Old Testament, so this is not a Jewish plot and these people are not real Jews, but rather worship Satan.