

    Dear Friends, 

   Cruising on these spectacular Celebrity Cruise ships is the most wonderful way to travel in comfort and ease and well-being and excellence. 



  Our cruises provide exposure to the best things in the world and open doors for even more personal exploration of our worldーif you choose ! 



   I love getting on-board, unpacking one time only, setting in, and then discovering all of the delicious rendezvous that being together on board provide. 


 I love the extended hours we have with Abraham in the ship theater and the new in sights and clarity that always erupts because we have the luxury of more time to pursue ideas. 



  New experiences !

   New thoughts !

  New evolution !

   New life ! 

   New me !

   Every time ! 


  This cruise is especially exciting because we've never done this itinerary befriend and there are so many spectacular ports ! 



   Oh my ! 


   We have chosen the perfect time to be in this beautiful part of the world with long summer nights, Abraham, and each other ! 




