5-1-24: Labor Day | Student's Blog

Student's Blog

Notes which I just copied and pasted from the internet and my personal notes.

Today is Labor day. My mom stayed at home. I am eating papaya prepared by her. I use her phone while she is preparing for dinner. 

From January 2- March 13, I was at the rehabilitation center. My mom, aunt and cousins sent me there without my permission. We rode in my cousin's car.At first I was treated to a Japanese restaurant, NONKI. They tried to make me happy. But the real intent of coming to the city was to have me inside the rehabilitation center. I felt betrayed by the world but I didnt shout nor tried to break free from the grasp of nurse attendants. I simply accepted my fate that I would be locked inside even though I dont have severe mental illness. 

After a few days of staying in the rehab center, I was summoned to talk with the doctor. She asked me why was I brought here. I told her that I tried kill everyone if they dont follow Japanese style. But I told her I wont do it again and I realize my stupidity. She told me there are 2 japanese inside and that I should try talking to them. Mr. Kota and Takemasa. 

I was able to talk with Kota and Momosan. Momosan is a girl. Kota is 62 years old man.

 I think Takemasa stayed upstairs. I didnt try to talk with him. 

I didnt talk much with Momosan in spite of the fact she is in front of me at the table. She wouldnt reveal her information about parents and siblings and so on. She said that she would like to be private. I guess that's part of Japanese culture not to reveal about family? Or there is other reason she wouldnt talk about herself? 

I thought I would be discharged after 1 month. But it was extended until March 13. I was discharged at around 3 PM. My mom's friend went there and we used her car to carry my belongings. Many of the inmates hugged me and said good bye to me. The Japanese man whose nickname is Kota touched my hand before good bye. My mom's friend took me to korean restaurant. I didnt like korean restaurant. I love Japanese restaurant. But I ate korean food anyway which had meat like bacon and green leaf. 

The total cost of staying in there for 2 months was 150,000 pesos. Inside, I tried to obey the i structors. Singing and dancing, cleaning, cooking, watching movie.. If I hadnt obeyed, they would punish me and extend my stay. I didnt like to follow but I just did so that I would be called normal.

 I enjoyed my time with the Japanese. 

There were chinese, French, Japanese there. And mostly Filipino. But I like kotasan the best. He gave origami flowers to girls who are part of his life, me included. He also gave one to the kitchen cook. He also gave me paper crane origami twice. And gave me instant japanese udon curry noodles 

My aunts and cousins visited me. I especially loved it when my Taiwanese aunt visited me while inside the rehab. I thought I wanted to be with my Taiwanese aunt. I thought she was proper than my mom. She brought japanese food for me. Japanese tempura and sushi. 

Im grateful that I was visited by her. 

But I like Japanese mom more. I'd like to adapt to Japanese mom's lifestyle.

People who visited me were: my mom, my taiwanese aunt, my father's sister, my mother's sister, ate chrixie, ate bared and greyson, ate jen2x. I put on a serious face with my taiwanese aunt. But I was laughing with my mother's sister and tried to forget the horrible thing they did to me.

My laptop and smartphone are confiscated. I found the laptop which was hidden by my mom. But when I tried to switch it on, it says "no bootable device". I think it is broken. 

Until now I dont have a job. It has been years that I didnt enter work. All I do everyday is clean the dishes or wash my clothes.