大坂なおみさんへ。同じ鬱を経験した私だから伝えたい言葉 | スポーツメンタルコーチ鈴木颯人





Osaka-san, nice to meet you. I'm Suzuki, a sports mental coach. I heard the news. The reason why he declined the press conference and your feelings are conveyed.

I usually support athletes, and I really understand your feelings. Many athletes are worried about the same thing as you.

I think there were pros and cons to the courageous refusal to hold the press conference. I think that it is a professional competition that is made possible by having a sponsor. I think you never betrays the sponsor. I believe.

However, I also think that the reporter should be in the right place. I don't know if you know it, but in the Japanese Diet, you can't ask a question unless you send the question to the other party the day before.

Athletes, on the other hand, have to improvise and answer questions. Sometimes you may be asked what you don't want to answer or what you don't want to ask. It's hard for an athlete to get upset at a press conference, even though it's the athlete's job to maximize the results in the match.

Besides, I feel angry at the reporters and TV who ask questions in Japanese to you, who is not very good at Japanese.

I am the same half as you.My nationality is Japan, but although I was born in England, my mother is the Philippines and my father is Japanese. I grew up in Japan, but I lived as a foreigner while being ridiculed by my friends around me as a foreigner rather than being treated as a Japanese.

I was very worried about where my identity was. Maybe I'm still worried. I'm 38 years old, but I saw only one answer. It is possible to support athletes who are troubled by the same half. It's a very complicated story. All you can do is understand. However, the number of half-athletes has increased in Japan. Even if our identity does not exist in Japan, I think there is a world where we can understand each other.

Please do not do your best alone.

Is there anyone nearby to talk to? Do you rely on a professionally trained counselor? Please cherish your time now. Think of it as advice from a senior who overcame the same depression.

p.s. Today I received a request from TV to perform. I want you to talk about you as a mental coach. It didn't come out. The more I really support athletes, the easier I think I can't express my opinions. So, I wrote this frustrating feeling in a letter and spelled it on my blog. I hope it reaches to you.














