Finally my mom got an iPad3!! yayyyy :) She can see LEON anytime on Skype. Salute to SoftBank!! lol

But I have a problem...she has inflexible brain so I have to tell you how to use it. yesterday mom make me surprised that she asked me "how to access Rakuten shopping site? I can see only yahoo Japan. its not working!!"

Even LEON can use my iPad....

ついにお母さんがipad3をゲットしました!わ~いにひひ Skypeでいつでもリオンが見れるね。SoftBankに敬礼パー

でもちょいと問題が。お母さん頭が固いので使い方教えなくちゃです。昨日電話したら"楽天市場見たいのにyahoo japanしか出てこない!壊れてるよ!"と驚かされましたわ汗

