"DOWNLOAD/PDF Failure Rules!: The 5 Rules of Failure for Entrepreneurs, Creatives, and Authentics

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Failure can ruin lives and families. There&#8217s no denying it. It can destroy your health and obliterate your self-esteem. But it also holds a lot of value on the road to success.Failure Rules! walks you through five essential rules to help you pull value from any failure&#8212as proven by Andrew Thorp King&#8217s personal stories of dramatic, cascading failures in business, relationships, art, and life. Journey through key failure lessons from a wildly diverse set of successful entrepreneurs, creatives, and authentics, including Winston Churchill, Sara Blakely, Henry Rollins, Andrew Yang, Toby Keith, Ryan Holiday, David Goggins, Glenn Beck, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Billie Jean King, Srinivas Rao, Dwayne &#8220The Rock&#8221 Johnson, J.K. Rowling, and many, many more. The experience and immediate tangible results of failure suck. But if you follow the rules of failure&#8212seeing beyond the mess and picking through the good stuff left in the rubble&#8212you can move forward into 