X JAPAN Keeps on Rocking the World | †sadistic†~Ⅹ~



X JAPAN Keeps on Rocking the World
It’s a wondrous story that X JAPAN still is on the top of the Japanese music scene. They broke up in 1997 with the emotionally impressive concert in Tokyo ( refer to the video at the bottom). Fans were disappointed with it at the peak time of their band career. With more sadness, HIDE, the legendary lead guitarist died after the last concert. They and fans all thought that’s it.

While the band disappeared from our sight, their music kept unbelievable popularity in Japan, also the fans gradually expanded to the world with only some albums of their works even after they broke up.

Still nobody expected X JAPAN would come back again then. BUT they did.

This year, X JAPAN went on their world tour continually from last year crossing from Asian countries including JAPAN to Europe, North America and South America.

All the concerts were successful and they were welcomed by world fans. In some countries even their records are not yet on sale, but their popularity already went up on the top.

Why X JAPAN could keep such amazing status over decades ??

I suppose, first of all, their music certainly brings us much emotion no matter what the music type is. Their metal rock sound is really tight with Yoshiki’s thunder drum play, and their ballad songs are also powerful with such pure beauty. However, their music always gives fans love, or a kind of sympathetic feeling. They sing as if saying ” we live hard with you all like this song ! ”

X JAPAN has super musical talent and technique, above all, also in their songs we can feel wildness, ultimate power to live, speechless beauty and sensitive emotional balance which seems to be broken to death by the pressure of nowadays social structure.

In the songs, fans can feel same mentality with the band members. Probably this consciousness ” we all live together in this hard time” gather fans love to the band. Actually X JAPAN has tremendous Charisma in the concert, which can hardly be seen in the other bands’ concert.

As you see the video of the last concert, members are crying hard. They play hard rock music but they are sentimentally sensitive too. They are all great musicians but they are all as delicate as we all are. Fans probably sense this similarity of human in their songs and in their act.

Recent POP music often comes and fades away in a very short time. But their music never runs away from fans’ mind once it touches them. That’s why their music kept silently on the top popularity even after the end of the group in 1997.

I’m already out of generation for a X JAPAN fan. With all the difference of ages, I still understand the genius of this band, also I would have to admit no other bands can top them for a while.

They did a great world tour from last year to this year in Paris, London, NYC, Taipei, Beijin, Shanhai, Berlin, Bangkok, Hong Kong, and more cities like Chili, Brazil and Argentina. All of these cities’ fans first saw X JAPAN after their reunion in 2007. The new fans in the world are already sure to feel the same as Japanese fans feel in the concert of 1997.

It’s wondrous indeed on how this world wide fans could be created during their non- active time, but their music probably lasts as long as people exist because X Japan music is the treasure for fans, and it’s a must essence to live with hope for modern days people with loss and pain in their hearts.


XJAPANの記事が取り上げられるのは嬉しいですね・・音譜THE LAST LIVEのことが書かれているようですが、今年はAGE・欧州・サマソニ・a-nation・南米・アジアツアーと、本当に沢山の国を回りましたよね~!!

