hydraとparanoidアップデート | わたくしが あらゆるネタを書き綴るっ

わたくしが あらゆるネタを書き綴るっ

日頃のつぶやきや                                                              時には役立つ情報を書くかも?




Kanged from source, 9:26am COT. All features included (even the ones that are on CM9 changelog but not on latest nightly)
Updated kernel to latest siyahKernel
Fixed navbar on phone mode, and now doesn't removes statusbar transparency
Fixed Utils.isScreenLarge() method, now it checks for LCD Density, wich reduces % of error to 0
Improved panel a LOT, including a cool action bar for saving or discarding changes
.force pad feature implemented, now you can resize widgets
Added more descriptive strings to panel
Added customizable toggles for tablet mode. You can choose now between 9 toggles, and a max of 6 of them. You can also reorganize or remove all the toggles.
Removed some battery styles, and HC lockscreen, searching for a common base
Translated a lot of things in spanish XML's (http://review.cyanogenmod.com/#/c/16596/)


New kernel 3.0.32-Hydra4-r8, based on xxFluxi(75%)+thoravukk(15%)+siyah(10%)(patching) (++performance)
Updated Recovery & dualboot tools
Updated lights with breathe feature, thanks to xxfluxi
Improved wifi signal.
Fix Sensors
Fix screen of when doing a call.
Revised build.prop tweaks (++performance)
Improved kernel tweaks (++performance)
Apollo Music by default (you can choose GoogleMusic in Aroma)
Fix reboots and unsaved settings.
Updated Mms.apk, should fix some problems.
Improved themes.
New toggles, thanks to legendk95 for some icons
Changed default wallpaper.
Improved theming, dark holo black, black menus, etc.
Changed dpi to 212.
Modified dalvik.vm.heapsize for more performance
Fix maps
Added Sense4 white clock, thanks to basst85
Updated Modem a XXLPX

