日付:2022.8.7      出発地: 秋葉原     目的地: 浅草寺


Currently serving as the Tokyo sightseeing volunteer focusing on the areas of Ueno and Asakusa, I have been trying to get myself familiar with the routes from my home to those two places.




3 routes have been considered for walking from home to Sensouji. For this time round, it's to arrive at Kaminarimon from Namiki street en route of Torigoe Jinja and Bandai's headquarters. 




This route allows me to see the bridges over Sumida river -

Kuramae bridge , Umaya bridge , Komagata bridge, and Azuma bridge.




While walking on  Namiki street , it brought back the 2016 Tokyo marathon memory that my thighs were cramped as I passed in front of Kaminarimon. The scene is so vivid as if I can still hear the tremendously loud cheering sound from the crowds along the sidewalk. Taiwan Ganbadde! It was really cheering me up. Though being just an ordinary person, I noticed that the national identity, Taiwan,  means so much at that very moment. Bearing the pain, I passed the finish line at Big Sight in the end.



並木通りを歩いていると、2016年の東京マラソンのとき雷門前を通り過ぎたあたりで太ももがつったときの記憶がよみがえってきた。いまでも歩道からの応援の歓声が聞こえてきそうだ。「台湾!頑張って!!! 」



Thank you, Japan. I won't forget your passionate and warm support








Picture taken from tourist information center



浅草横丁, opened in July 2022. There're currently 7 restaurents 













生搾り果汁 〜〜〜


ペットカフェ 〜〜〜 柴犬と




The current temple was built in 1994 to commemorate the 1200th anniversary of the birth of 慈覚大師円仁さま, the founder of 浅草寺.



かき氷〜〜〜抹茶・小豆・練乳 ~~~ what a relax !!!



Thanks for reading !!!
