11月14日付の CNN10です。































Last week, millions of adults across the country went to the polls to cast their votes 
for representatives in Congress senators and state and local officials 


cast a vote 投票する






Democrats performed better than predicted. They are projected to retain majority control of the U.S. Senate after winning a pivotal race in Nevada. 


pivotal  軸となる 中枢の、極めて重要な pívətəl

Now Democrats will hold 50 Senate seats with Republicans currently holding 49. A December runoff election in the state of Georgia could earn 


runoff election2回投票制選挙の〕決選投票




Republicans a matching 50th Senate seat but Democrats would still hold a tie-breaking vote in the Senate which belongs to Vice President Kamala Harris.


tie-breaking vote. 同点決選投票


But the race isn`t over yet Republicans may win the House of Representatives as votes continue to be tallied from a handful of districts. 






If Republicans win the House, they could still stop a significant portion of President Biden`s Democratic agenda in his medical proposals. 




Congress makes nationwide laws. The House decides which laws are voted on, while the Senate can approve or block them and confirm appointments made by the president.


vote on ~について採決を行う、~を採決する、~の決を採る

Let`s hear now from CNN`s Jessica Schneider, a justice correspondent based in Washington. She has an update on President Biden`s proposal to forgive some student loan debt which would need clear congressional authorization to go through.


congressional authorization 議会の承認

A federal judge out of Texas who is actually nominated by President Trump is now saying President Biden just does not have the power to forgive these student loans by executive order and instead, 


forgive 免除する




President Biden would need clear congressional authorization to forgive these loans and he would have had to go through more of a process rather than just simply issuing an executive order. 


However, we will see an appeal of this decision. The Justice Department has already noticed that it will appeal and this is ultimately a decision that could be determined by the Supreme Court. 


appeal 控訴[上訴]

Of course, President Biden issued this executive order in August. It`s estimated that if it goes through, it would ultimately cost about $400 billion. 




The program though now in doubt, and it`s also been on hold for the past month because of another court decision out of a circuit court that put the loan forgiveness rollout on hold while all these legal challenges play out. 






You know, we know that about 26 million borrowers already have applied for this debt relief. 




The government had already approved million of those applications, but no debt at all will be canceled for the foreseeable future here because of these court challenges. 


for the foreseeable future  「当面の間」「今後しばらく」

court challenges 裁判に訴えること



The White House press secretary did however say that the Department of Education will hold on to the information of all of these applicants so it could be processed pretty quickly if the program is ultimately given the green light in court.




But we`ll have to see how the courts decide this. If it does go all the way to the Supreme Court, it`s possible that the conservative majority on the Supreme Court could nix this program as well. 







You know this has been a majority that`s often skeptical of wide-ranging executive and agency action, so this debt forgiveness program could ultimately be deemed unconstitutional and if that happens none of these millions of people would get any debt relief. But for now this program is also on hold.


skeptical 懐疑的な、疑い深い

be deemed【意味】と思われる

unconstitutional 憲法違反である






