物書き見習いのブログ練習帳 -5ページ目



 When flying, which seat is best for you depends on the purpose of the flight, whether you have passengers or not, and other factors. There is no such thing as a seat for everyone.

Unaccompanied travelers


 If you are a businessman, tired from moving around in tourist areas, or traveling abroad and want to sleep on the plane because you arrive late at night or early in the morning and want to move as soon as you arrive, a seat in the front or a window seat with no window is good for you. (Sometimes they are.) They are often quiet. However, if you are prone to airsickness, a seat in the middle part of the plane is good. It is the least likely to be shaken.  Do not sit in the back. It is often very noisy.

 I also do not recommend seats with bassinets or near emergency doors, even if they look spacious.
 If you really don't like the noise or don't like children, stay away from the bassinets by mistake because you will bump into families with children near the bassinets. Bassinet seats are valuable seats, so please try to give them to families with children.
 In addition, there are standards for sitting in emergency exit row seats. Only those who conform to them should sit in them. (There have been cases where people who did not conform actually sat down and were replaced by others.) In case of emergency, it is not possible to get off early. (You are obligated to help other passengers get off.)
 Incidentally, the reason why passengers on this section of the train must help is because there was an accident that would have likely killed all passengers and crew if they did not.
 Until then, all emergency doors were to be opened by the crew. However, there was an accident where the crew went around opening all the emergency doors and time ran out (the plane exploded), so this is what happened.
 Personally, I would like to see the 90 second rule and this should be respected.  (a significant number of people have died because of it).

Traveling with a family


 Those with small children may prefer to sit in the back seat. If you make reservations early, you will likely be able to sit in a row with your family. However, wagon service often starts from the front seats, so if you sit in the back, you may not be able to eat what you want to eat. Some airlines allow you to make reservations for meals, so you may want to use such a service.
 If you have a baby, it is recommended to have a bassinet, a seat with a crib for the baby. Also, be sure to keep a close eye on the baby, since the bassinet cannot completely secure the baby, and in some cases the baby may escape while the parent is dozing off.
 There is also the backseat myth, but in reality, the chances of survival in an emergency are about the same no matter which seat you sit in. (In a frontal collision, the front seat passengers are most likely to be harmed, but in a rear collision, the rear seat passengers are most likely to be harmed. There have been accidents in which only the rear seat passengers have died.) Do not be overconfident, even if you are wrong.



 If you are taking insulin or blood glucose test on a long flight, you want to look out the window!! and those who don't mind the noise, we recommend aisle seats. And if you don't mind the noise, we recommend seats near the washrooms. The reason... should be obvious .
 By the way, the crew cannot assist you with insulin, so you will have to do everything on your own. You will also need to bring your own disposal container for used needles. (There are cases where there are disposal containers, but it is better to bring your own if at all possible.)
 In fact, security checks and customs and immigration may be more difficult than insulin, etc. on the plane.
 Incidentally, if you are on a long-haul flight or on an international flight where food is basically served, the washrooms will be crowded before and after the meal, and the area around the washrooms will be busy. There was a case in which a person waiting for the washroom accidentally touched the entertainment screen of the seat next to him and the movie was forced to end.


2023.1.20 Release