米国CDC所長代行が「米国内の豚インフルエンザ防止対策はもはや手遅れで封じ込め不可能」と発表、N | ワールドフォーラム・レポート




投稿者 passenger 日時 2009 年 4 月 25 日 20:08:25: eZ/Nw96TErl1Y

(回答先: 【メキシコで感染爆発中の新型ブタインフルエンザに米軍生物兵器の容疑濃厚】33年前に米軍施設内で同様の感染爆発、死者多数  

投稿者 passenger 日時 2009 年 4 月 25 日 10:31:19)








CDC says too late to contain U.S. flu outbreak

  24 Apr 2009 19:31:20 GMT
  Source: Reuters

WASHINGTON, April 24 (Reuters) - The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Friday it was too late to contain the swine flu outbreak in the United States.

CDC acting director Dr. Richard Besser told reporters in a telephone briefing it was likely too late to try to contain the outbreak, by vaccinating, treating or isolating people.

"There are things that we see that suggest that containment is not very likely," he said.

He said the U.S. cases and Mexican cases are likely the same virus. "So far the genetic elements that we have looked at are the same." But Besser said it was unclear why the virus was causing so many deaths in deaths in Mexico and such mild disease in the United States.

(Reporting by Maggie Fox, editing by Patricia Zengerle)


Apr 25, 2009 12:25 am US/Eastern

Possible Swine Flu Outbreak At NYC Prep School

Department Of Health Officials Testing 75 Students At St. Francis Preparatory School In Queens

  Reporting:Lou Young

As many as 75 students at St. Francis Preparatory School in Queens got sick on Thursday. More got sick on Friday. What health officials want to know is was it swine flu or something more benign.

There are mounting fears about a deadly swine flu virus that is reported to have killed as many as 60 people in Mexico, one that health officials fear has already seeped into the United States.

St. Francis Prep was ordered to cancel an evening program Friday night because the New York City Department of Health isn't sure what made students sick Thursday and Friday with flu-like symptoms.

"I just saw lot a lot of kids lined up along the wall near the nurse's office," sophomore Kelsey Dittmeir said.

If it's the flu, the question is what kind of flu? And could it be the unique strain suspected in 20 recent deaths?

Tests are underway.

"It could be a strain we've seen before. It could be the regular flu," Dr. Ross Weiss said. "It could be flu B that happens late in the year. It could be any of those so we really can't speculate at this point. That's why we were very anxious to get samples to the lab and get them tested so we can find out what we are dealing with."

If it's the new strain of swine flu it could be a problem. Most cases have been reported in Mexico, where schools, museums and public gathering places have been closed.

Eight patients have also turned up in California and Texas, although their symptoms have been mild.

Students told CBS 2 HD they plan on getting tested over the weekend. One senior we spoke to said she left school Thursday before her fellow classmates got ill.

"My chest just hurts and I have shortness of breath. My ears were hurting me earlier but they are okay now. My head is still in and out," Noel Alexandria said.

Added Dr. Weiss: "There were people tonight interviewing students and we'll be here tomorrow. And when we get the test results that will dictate what our next steps are."

The city hopes to identify those symptoms as flu it has seen before. If the tests come back negative they will be sent down to the Centers for Disease Control. So far, officials have been told all the cases have shown mild symptoms.



豚インフル感染疑い1000人超 WHO緊急委開催へ 


                              2009/04/25 10:11 【共同通信】







2009/04/25 10:11 【共同通信】


豚インフル「深刻」と専門家 世界的広がりの可能性も 2009/04/25 12:35 【共同通信】

 米国、メキシコで豚インフルエンザの人への感染が確認されたことで、国内の専門家らは警戒を強めている。 「非常に効率的に人から人に感染しているとみられる。かなり深刻な状況だ。パンデミック(世界的流行)に近い流行の仕方をする可能性もある」とみるのは押谷仁東北大教授(微生物学)。「今回のウイルスは遺伝子学的には治療薬のアマンタジンに耐性があるものの、タミフル、リレンザには耐性がないとされる。臨床的なデータは得られていないが、タミフルとリレンザは多分効くだろう」と話す。



2009/04/25 12:35 【共同通信】
