
TV Newscasters Think Best Way to Win an Argument Is to Run Away?
Only Mr. Tahara Agreed to Debate




【ニッポンの新常識】Common Knowledge Revisited 70


 The army troops who staged an uprising in 1936 known as the “February 26th Incident” occupied not just the center of government, but also several media outlets including the Tokyo Asahi Newspaper (present-day Asahi Newspaper) and the Tokyo Nichinichi Newspaper (present-day Mainichi Newspaper).


 From that time until the end of the Great East Asian War [World War II], there was no freedom of the press in Japan. Pre-censorship was practiced, and uncomfortable truths were suppressed.


 The more common-sense people know about history, the more they support the assertion that “the media exists as a check on authority.” However, common sense is fruitless if one does not also understand post-war history, which is not taught in schools.


 GHQ (McArthur’s General Headquarters of the Allied Powers) provided in the Constitution of Japan, article 21 for “freedom of expression” and a “prohibition of censorship.” At the same time, GHQ also promulgated the “Press Code” which prohibited reporting on 30 items, and conducted pre-censorship. In other words, post-war Japan also did not have freedom of the press.


 Japanese, who dislike trouble and excel at “reading the situation,” reinforced “self-censorship” in order not to get in trouble with the censors.


 Furthermore, under the “War Guilt Information Program,” they were forced to report false stories, a representative case of which is the reporting of the rape of Nanking. Against their better conscience, the Japanese media was forced to engage in betrayal of their country. As a result, the submissive Japanese public was thoroughly brainwashed with a “sense of guilt.”


 Through this experience, the Japanese media seems to have learned the pleasant feeling of being able to form and guide public opinion. Even now, 71 years after the end of the war, they continue with self-censorship and arbitrary reporting. For what purpose have they continued with the betrayal of their country which they were forced to engage in under GHQ?


 The “Association of Audiences Seeking Adherence to the Broadcast Law,” of which I am a founding member, has stood up and taken action over deep concern about the appalling state of affairs. We have challenged the seven TV newscasters, who in reaction displayed a banner reading “We Are Angry,” to a public debate about the interpretation of the Broadcast Law, article 4.


 Soichiro Tahara alone agreed to a debate with the leader of our “Association of Audiences,” literary critic Eitaro Ogawa, but the discussion never got to the heart of the matter.


 Now, three months since we began our campaign, at 10 a.m. on the 16th we will finally conduct a three-on-three open debate. It is scheduled to be broadcast live on the Niconico website. From our side, Mr. Ogawa, economic critic Tsukasa Jonen, and I will participate.


 The advocates on the other side representing the “Volunteer Researchers Considering Independence and Freedom of the Broadcast Media” will be Rikkyo University professor Hiroyoshi Sunakawa, editor of “Broadcast Report” Sadaaki Iwasaki, and Tokyo University honorary professor Satoshi Daigo.


 I believe that the fundamental essence of journalism is “to take responsibility for your words,” but the conclusion of six of the TV newscasters seems to have been “the best way to win an argument is to run away.”







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