

Common Knowledge Revisited
"No to Collective Self-Defense": Wrong Position Based on Pathetic Lack of Study

 The genius physicist Albert Einstein proposed two theories of relativity in the first half of the Twentieth Century. I think it is probably accurate to say that 99.99% of the people on planet earth do not fully understand the theory of relativity. I myself only understand the broad outlines of it.

 According to the Special Theory of Relativity, when an object is in motion, time slows, and time advances more slowly on clocks in this state. According to the General Theory of Relativity, time also advances more slowly in a state of stronger gravity, and clocks also advance more slowly in this state.

 However, in our normal daily lives we do not experience the phenomenon of the speed of advancing time due to increased speed of movement or more gravity. People who have no experience with physics may think of this theory of relativity which transcends their experience or reasoning ability “that can’t be” or “that’s wrong.”

 As a matter of fact, car navigation systems or the GPS system on smart phones function according to these two theories of relativity.

 GPS calculates coordinates of the observation point based on time information and positioning of four or more satellites. Since it is essential to have accurate time information, GPS satellites contain a high density atomic clock, but the elapsed time of the satellites traveling at many times the speed of sound is slightly slower, as predicted by the Special Theory of Relativity.

 At the same time, time advances slightly faster than the time on earth because of the lighter gravity pull at 20,000 kilometers above the earth, as predicted by the General Theory of Relativity. Accordingly, calculations are made using the Theories of Relativity, and revisions are made. At a tolerance of 1:1,000,000, the difference in distance is 300 meters.

 Now on to the main theme. All citizens are interested in politics, and the opportunity to express one’s opinion is the foundation of democracy, but from time to time arguments based on simple emotion or the lack of knowledge can be harmful.

 Those who, while using GPS systems, assert that the theory of relativity is suspicious based on their experiences in the past, and those who, while being protected by U.S. military forces, assert their aversion to collective self-defense, are both sadly lacking in knowledge. However, there is one reason to sympathize with them.

 The media complains that the administration of Prime Minister Abe has failed to adequately explain to the people, but there is, and has not been for some time, no system for explaining pending bills to the people in detail.

 Television stations are uncooperative, so Prime Minister Abe turned to the internet to explain his proposed legal revisions. He received 20,000 views over the period of two days, but this is less than 0.1% of a regular television viewer rating.

 I was left to muse that a media which deprives the prime minister of a country of the opportunity to make a clear explanation to the public is indeed a formidable force.



7/14(火) テキサス☆ナイトin 大阪講演会