Former Seoul Bureau Chief Kato, Thank Goodness You Have Been Released!

The former Seoul bureau chief of Sankei Newspaper, Mr. Tatsuya Kato, was finally allowed to leave Korea, and arrived safely today in Japan. Mr. Kato, you must be relieved.

In a telephone interview I had with Sankei Newspaper soon after Mr. Kato's indictment, I said, "They are not going to execute him. Just let things ride for now." But a nine month prohibition on him leaving the country was longer than even I expected.

In the first place, he just posted an article in Japanese reporting on an article which ran in a Korean newspaper, and for that he was indicted for criminal defamation of the Korean president. When he was further prohibited from leaving Korea, it was a real shock to people who had come to believe that Korea was finally a modern country operating on the basis of law.

Think about it. If I were living in Korea, I could be indicted for defamation of the president for some of the things I have written in my blog. Even though I live in Japan, it is not entirely unthinkable that I could be detained at the airport and indicted if I were to visit Korea.

It is only natural and reasonable that his prohibition from leaving the country was lifted, but Korea may very well have bowed to pressure from Japan and the United States as they continued to express concern about infringement by Korea on freedom of expression.

In any event, I think that if a certain country doesn't give more serious thought to what they are doing, they may be digging their own grave.
