Today I went on Marine Corps Air Station Futenma for the first time in about 20 years. The previous time was for a segment which was broadcast on TBS Sunday Morning, and we actually filmed the helicopters on the tarmac. The helicopters were impressive, but they seemed kind of old to me. The time when I went to Futenma before that was another 20 years earlier in 1975, so when you think about it, I have been watching the developments on this base for 40 years.


Today we saw the newest Osprey aircraft. Compared with the previous CH-46 helicopters, the personnel carrying capacity is significantly greater (24 passengers), they can fly four times as far, their cruising speed is double, and the noise associated with takeoff and landing is been greatly reduced. In addition, they are capable of mid-air refueling, which means that they don’t have to return to the base to refuel each time, thereby reducing the burden on the surrounding area. Fortunately, we saw no anti-base activists.


After that, we went to see Henoko, the site to which Futenma Base is slated to be relocated. I will report on that in a later posting.


さて、皆さんにクイズを出します。現在、普天間基地に継続配備されている航空機は何機あると思いますか? 答えは明日掲載します。
Here is a quiz: How many aircraft are permanently based at Futenma? I will give the answer in my posting tomorrow.