【ニッポンの新常識】「ファシズム戦争」を続々引き起こしたPRC ウソと金と暴力で世界を混乱



日本人なら知っておきたい 中国の侵略の歴史 (別冊宝島 2226)/宝島社

Common Knowledge Revisited ⑤

 On the 23rd of last month, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Foreign Minister Wan Yi, commented at an Open Debate of the U.N. Security Council that "despite the historical facts of the anti-fascism war, some still do not recognize the truth, and attempt to cover up the sins of past aggression.”

 Motohide Yoshikawa, Japan Ambassador to the United Nations, emphasized that “Since becoming a Member of the United Nations, Japan has made assiduous efforts to contribute to the peace and prosperity of the world” and noted that Japan has made great efforts to fully comply with international law.

 Later, Foreign Minister Wang issued a statement saying that his comment was not targeting Japan. Of a certainty, in light of historical facts, the country which corresponds most closely with Foreign Minister Wang’s comments is not Japan. Which country first comes to mind?

 That’s right, the PRC.

 Since its establishment in 1949, under the one-party dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party, China has successively engaged in “fascist wars” including invasion of the Uighur Region and Tibet, the purging of Inner Mongolia, the Korean War, and the Sino-Indian War.

 Of late, while attempting to cover up its former aggression, China has made no effort to hide its ambition to invade Japan and the Philippines.

 I like the Japanese words kenson (humility or modesty) and enryo (to be reserved). I highly value the traits of being mild-tempered, non-confrontational, kind and magnanimous. However I don’t think it is a wise policy to take this kind of Japanese attitude when dealing with someone who clearly intends to be confrontational and does not hesitate to employ any means to achieve its ends, including fabrication of history.

 In the first place, the PRC was born after World War II entirely to serve the perceived global interests of the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. The stepmother who extended a hand to this poor orphan country of unfortunate origin, fed it the milk of O.D.A. (Overseas Development Assistance), and spoiled it rotten was Japan. While the child’s mental level is still that of a child, it now has the body of a hulking adult. The child repays the stepmother’s kindness with resentment, and sets about to bring about chaos in the world through lies, money, and violence.

 The United States, Japan, Russia, and Europe should reflect seriously on the mistake they made and discuss how to effectively cope with this child. In particular, Japan should not stand idly by in the face of groundless false assertions and reckless violence, but rather actively disseminate historical facts based on solid evidence. It would be very satisfying to see a series of resolutions concerning human rights be introduced at the United Nations. By exercising its veto power repeatedly, the true criminal guilty of disrupting world order would be isolated.

 Overall, Japanese do not adequately understand the history of the PRC. In addition to what I mentioned before, the number of victims of the Great Leap Forward, the Great Cultural Revolution, the Tiananmen Square incident, and atmospheric nuclear testing is at least two digits greater than the number groundlessly alleged to have been victims of the so-called Rape of Nanking.

 And more recently, with the suppression of Falun Gong, the circumstances under which human organs have been made available for transplant, the corruption of public officials and flight of their enormous ill-gotten gains and family to foreign countries in preparation for the collapse of the country, there is no end to unbelievable scandals. Perhaps the true intent of Foreign Minister Wang’s comment was to criticize his own country.

 And yet, it is unusual for the Japanese media to report the true colors of the P.R.C. There are undoubtedly many readers who have never heard of some of the things mentioned in this article today. That being the case, it’s not hard to see why so many people talk about “conspiracies.”