

Common Knowledge Revisited③

 In Korea (the Republic of Korea), An Jung-geun is considered a hero. In 1909 he assassinated Ito Hirobumi, the first prime minister of Japan, who was then the first Resident-General of Korea.

 In Korea, where the national policy is anti-Japanese, An Jung-geun is considered a hero for assassinating an important Japanese leader. In contrast, most conservative Japanese probably perceive him as an “anti-Japanese terrorist.”

 Likewise in Japan, in the closing days of the Tokugawa shogunate, a special police force organized by the military government called the “shinsengumi”carried out many assassinations, but the members were viewed by many as heroes. However, from an ethicalthe standpoint of logic, it is possible to consider all assassins as terrorists. Therefore, the controversy between Japan and Korea as to whether An Jung-geun was a terrorist or a hero will likely never be resolved.

 However, upon further investigation, we find that An Jung-geun did not harbor anti-Japanese views. He was a Christian who desired peace, and he respected and was thankful to Japan and Emperor Meiji. Those, either in Japan or Korea, who see him as an “anti-Japanese symbol” need to study the historical facts.

 For example, at his trial for assassination, An Jung-geun spoke favorably about the efforts of Japan to educate Crown Prince Yi Un of the Korean Empire (the name of Korea from 1897 until 1910), expressing thanks on behalf of the Korean people. He valued the contributions of Japan during the Sino-Japanese War (of 1894-95) and the Russo-Japanese War (of 1904-05) in keeping the peace in the Far East, including the Korean peninsula. He also understood that (Japanese) Emperor Meiji was working for the independence of Korea and the maintenance of peace.

 The problem is that An Jung-geun mistakenly assumed that Ito was a traitor who would carry out policies in Korea antithetical to those of Emperor Meiji. In actuality, however, Ito himself was the very person who invited Yi Un to Japan and educated him. In addition, he was the central figure in the faction opposing Japanese annexation of Korea.

 After receiving three gunshot wounds, Ito retained consciousness for a time, and upon hearing that the assassin was a Korean, remarked “What a fool!” Assassinating Ito was the biggest possible mistake which could have been made by anyone opposing Japanese annexation of Korea.

 Upon the subsequent annexation of Korea by Japan, the Korean peninsula became a part of Japan, and the Korean people became Japanese citizens. Imperial Japan, as a matter of national pride and prestige, undertook improvement of health and hygiene, infrastructure development, industrial development, and the raising of the education level on the Korean peninsula. It respected the ethnic identity of the Korean people, and promoted use of the Hangul script.

 Someone can be anti-Japanese, but he needs to know the historical facts. Ultimately, the assassination of Ito by An Jung-geun brought about the annexation of Korea by Japan, thereby greatly accelerating the modernization of Korea. Judging by the results, it is ironic, but he is most definitely a hero who saved Korea.

 An Jung-geun was fed lies by someone, and because he stubbornly believed them, he assassinated a great benefactor of his nation. And today the nation of Korea as a whole is making exactly the same mistake as An Jung-geun.

 An irresponsible newspaper has fed heinous lies to the people, and then has shamefully run away from its responsibility like the captain of a certain naval vessel. If the Korean people do not examine the latest information and individually take actions based on cool and reasoned judgment, the only thing that lies ahead is tragedy.

第一回 「イスラム国」の蛮行 的外れな批判する人々は世界情勢勉強すべき

第二回 米国人の1人としてPRCに戦勝国を自称されると腹が立つ