Who Should the Press Be Monitoring?

The media is expected to exercise the role of keeping a check on the government. If it only gives reports favorable to the government and does not give any unfavorable reports, then its reports are propaganda, not true reporting. That is why in a free and democratic nation, freedom of speech and freedom of the press are guaranteed. For this reason, the media is often referred to as the fourth branch of government (after the legislative, executive, and judicial branches).


In this day and age, who else should the media be keeping a check on? It is not enough to limit the target of checks to the government or people in power in their own country. The reason is that, whether we like it or not, during the 160 years since Admiral Perry arrived at Uraga Port in the closing days of the Tokugawa Shogunate, Japan has been deeply involved in international affairs.


ご存知の通り、幕末の日本には「徳川幕府 vs 薩長連合」という対立がありました。しかし、それだけ知っていても不十分です。徳川幕府に小銃や大砲、軍艦などの武器を提供していたのはフランスです。そして薩長連合に武器を提供していたのはイギリスです。世界各地に植民地を持っていた二つの国がそれぞれバックにいたのです。
As you know, in the closing days of the Tokugawa Shogunate, there was a confrontation between the Tokugawa Shogunate and the Satsuma/Choshu Alliance. However, it is not enough just to know this fact. The rifles, cannons, and warships of the Tokugawa Shogunate were provided by France, and the weapons for the Satsuma/Choshu Alliance were provided by England. These two countries, each of which had colonial interests around the world, provided military aid to the two sides.



If Katsu Kaishu and Saigo Takamori had not secured a bloodless surrender of the Edo Castle (in 1868) and a full-scale war between the Tokugawa Shogunate and the Satsuma/Choshu Alliance had ensued, the city of Edo (present day Tokyo) would no doubt have been reduced to ashes. Thereafter Japan would no doubt have been plunged into a long nationwide civil war, and each side would have been forced to continue to procure weapons from England and France even if they had had to go into debt to do so. And it is entirely possible that in the end Japan might have been divided into colonies of these two countries. Russia may have also jumped into the fray.

Incidentally, during this period, the United States, which had forced the opening of Japan, was deeply involved in the U.S. Civil War and did not have the wherewithal to be involved deeply in Japan. It is worth noting, however, that a portion of the weapons used in the Boshin War (the final battle beginning in Kyoto and ending in the surrender of Edo Castle) were weapons left over from the U.S. Civil War. Thus, it is impossible to gain a true understanding of the bloodless surrender of Edo Castle and how significant it was without considering the international implications.

It goes without saying that the present-day international scene is much, much more complicated. The United States, China, Russia, the European Union, Israel, etc. all have their own agendas, and are involved in civil wars and development of natural resources throughout the world. In addition, the movements of ISIS, Al Qaeda, and other terrorist organizations cannot be ignored. It is insufficient for Japanese media organizations to report only on domestic issues without taking these facts into consideration.

Thanks to the proliferation of the internet, not only the media but ordinary individuals can now gather their own information from around the world and publish freely in blogs or other social media. Some people consider this to be the fifth branch of government. After all, these people are the final powers in a democratic nation, so they have the inherent right to keep a check on the other four branches.

参考: 【水間政憲】南京大虐殺陥落!本多勝一、写真捏造を認める![桜H26/9/18] http://youtu.be/9y4JOIYhbfk

However, we must remember that the exercise of that right entails responsibility and risk. I am constantly disappointed when I see articles and postings which would never have been placed in the public domain if the authors had not been assured of anonymity. On the other hand, when I look at Facebook and Twitter, I am also worried about people who make very risky statements under their own names.

The article by me which was published in Fuji Evening News on Tuesday drew a much bigger response than I had expected. The main point of that article was not “Do not criticize the Abe administration,” but rather “Do not provide sympathy for the demands of terrorists.” Please do not misunderstand what I meant to say.


It was distributed widely in various media channels with a sensationalized title, but I hope most people were able to read the whole article.


六本木男声合唱団倶楽部 ミュージカル「ウェスト・サイズ・ストーリー」
  2月15日(日) 25:00~27:00 「公演」放送日
Roppongi Men’s Chorus Club Musical: “Waist Size Story”
BS Asahi (BS Digital Channel 5)
Actual Final Performance: February 15, 25:00 ~ 27:00

Twitter(ブログ更新通知用): https://twitter.com/KentGilbert01