The Value of Debating


I wrote before that I was a member of the debate society in high school. It was conducted more or less just like sports with twenty or so tournaments each year, and a statewide championship tournament at the end.




The topic for each year was the same throughout the country. The topic did not change during the year, so we debated the same topic over and over. The teams gradually got better, and it became more difficult to win.


The tournament went all day, with three or four rounds. Whether we were the affirmative team or the negative team was determined by drawing lots for each round. Thus, we might be the affirmative team in the first round, but then become the negative team for the second round, meaning that we would need to argue precisely opposite from what we argued in the first round. Our own personal opinion was irrelevant as we had to defend the position which we were assigned.



So that we could argue both sides of the issue, we had to prepare materials and arguments for both sides in advance. We also had to research the arguments previously made by the other teams. Likewise, since the other team may have heard the arguments made previously by us, we had to prepare new strategies for each tournament.


I learned a great deal from participating in debates. First, no matter how improbable the other team’s arguments were, depending on how they were presented, people would believe them. Conversely, no matter what great arguments we made, if the presentation was not good, people would not believe us. Timing is also very important. Even if you say the right thing, if you don’t say it at the right time, people will not accept it.



Japanese schools are gradually creating debate teams. When NHK produced a program for young people about debate, I was invited to appear as a guest. The high school students assembled for the program expressed various views about debating.


For example:


 “It is very unnatural and strange to argue something that you don’t believe.”


 “Debate is nothing more than a verbal quarrel.”


 “Even if you are able to establish the logic of something not in accordance with your own opinion, it is meaningless.”


These were the opinions of a minority.


I answered them as follows:


“There are two sides to everything, and we need to understand both. When we make decisions, if we haven’t look thoroughly at both sides, we cannot be confident that we made the right choice. Especially if the person representing the opposite opinion is a great speaker, we might end up believing something which is completely wrong. The endless parade of fraud cases is a very good example of this. Through the exercise of debate, we can develop the ability to make cool and rational choices.”


Have I convinced you?


六本木男声合唱団倶楽部 ミュージカル「ウェスト・サイズ・ストーリー」
  2月15日(日) 25:00~27:00 「公演」放送日
Roppongi Men’s Chorus Club Musical: “Waist Size Story”
BS Asahi (BS Digital Channel 5)
Actual Final Performance: February 15, 25:00 ~ 27:00
