Melting Pot and Self-Expression

I want to add one thing about the article which I posted yesterday. What I wanted to say was “Don’t be jerked around by the irresponsible arguments of people with loud voices” not “It doesn’t matter what you argue, just do it repeatedly and loudly.” Certain countries have a virtual exclusive patent on that latter tactic, so don’t mimic it. You could get sued for a patent violation.

Now on to the topic for today. My home country, America, is often called a “melting pot.” It includes people of various races and ethnic groups. Even if their appearance is that of a standard white American, they may still have different roots, religion, morals, or philosophies, and even their everyday language might be different. It goes without saying that they may have been raised in various different environments with varying levels of education, and have different likes and tastes. Thus, in America is not at all unusual to not be able to find anything in common when you talk with a classmate, colleague or neighbor for the first time.


Given that America is that kind of place, if you want to express your feelings about something to other people, you have to express yourself in very clear terms or else you stand a good chance of being misunderstood. Between Japanese people, one person can look into the eyes of the other person and immediately understand to a large extent what is in the other person’s heart, but about the only thing an American can understand by just looking into the eyes of another person is the color of that person’s eyes and the length of his or her eyelashes.

When encountering people with different history or culture from your own, even if you express yourself very clearly, you may still be misunderstood, which can’t be helped, but in the United States it is considered very embarrassing to be misunderstood because you expressed yourself poorly or in vague terms.

It is also considered foolish to remain silent when there is something that you really want to say. A person who just smiles silently during a meeting with Americans will be considered to be brain-dead or incompetent, or perhaps accused of being sneaky by not providing his or her own opinion. This is one area where the common wisdom is very different from that of Japanese.


For this reason, it is absolutely necessary for Americans to have good self-expression abilities in order to live in that society. You need to speak up when you have something you want to say, and do it in a way that will be understood by the other person. That’s why it is very difficult for a shy or timid person who cannot express himself to succeed in the United States. If I knew someone who possessed great innate ability but was not very good at expressing himself, I would suggest that he or she move to Japan.

At my junior high school, “Speech” was a required course for 8th graders to learn self-expression. In that class, we would study how to read a written script fluently, learn which words should be emphasized, etc. We would recite famous speeches such as from Abraham Lincoln or poems by famous poets in front of the class. We would also write a script for a speech by ourselves, memorize it, and present that to the class.


この授業で行われた「エクステンポレニアス・スピーチ(extemporaneous speech=即興演説)」は特にハードでした。教師から渡された新聞や雑誌の記事を10分以内に把握して、その内容と自分の感想や意見を、同級生の前で10分間スピーチするのです。これは大変勉強になりました。
Extemporaneous speaking was especially difficult for most people. The teacher would provide a newspaper or magazine article which the student would then have 10 minutes to read and digest. The student would then be required to explain the content of the article and express his or her own opinions about it for 10 minutes. Personally, I learned a great deal from this activity.

Self-expression is considered important enough in the United States for it to be included as a required subject in junior high school. Does this help you understand why you have almost never met a quiet and reserved American?

On the other hand, Japanese culture places importance on the ability to discern the other person’s feelings. That’s one reason why someone with poor self-expression who works hard in silence can nevertheless be accepted as a great teacher or able boss. I think this is a really awesome Japanese trait which is not often seen in other cultures. However, this can make for some very weak diplomacy when applied in international settings.

Recently the term “KY” has been in vogue in Japan. [This means “kuuki ga yomenai” = inconsiderate, or unable to properly assess the current situation of those around you.] It is important to realize that in not just the United States but in international society in general, you cannot assume that anyone has taken the trouble to take into consideration or assess your feelings or the situation you are in. In other words, trying to bring the beautiful Japanese characteristics of “omoiyari” [caring or empathy] or “kenson” [humility] into a diplomatic situation actually means that YOU are KY!


This doesn’t necessarily mean, even if there is a problem with it, that a certain declaration [the so-called Kohno Statement] should be scrapped. Any nation which goes back on an international promise it has made will lose the trust of other countries.


Young people who do not have interaction with any community other than school or family have little chance to actually talk with anyone but family and friends, which causes them to develop very unique but strange expressions, especially among friends and on social media, at the expense of normal self-expression. Of course, we did the same thing when I was young, but at least I had another community, our church, which helped put a brake on my speech degeneration.

And fortunately, starting with Speech class, my vocabulary, expressiveness, judgment of distance from the listener, eye contact and other speech skills were honed. These skills have served me well during my life. I know many people dread public speaking, but I can’t think of anything more fun than to be on a TV variety or news show or give a successful speech in front of a large crowd.

Last year the number of foreign tourists in Japan set a new record. Unless something drastic happens and Japan returns to the closed door policies of the Edo Period, internationalization will continue to proceed apace in Japan. With the yen decreased in value, investment into Japan seems very attractive. For better or worse, it would not be unusual to see more long-established or very large Japanese companies come under foreign ownership. In other words, one day you may suddenly find that your boss is a foreigner who understands nothing about how you feel.


Japanese will need to learn better self-expression in the coming years. I think that a course which teaches students to speak in front of other people should be added to the school curriculum. There are many, many people around the world who would like to see Japan exercise stronger leadership in the international community like the Jedi.

六本木男声合唱団倶楽部 ミュージカル「ウェスト・サイズ・ストーリー」
  1月25日(日) 13:00~13:55 「メイキング」放送日
  2月15日(日) 25:00~27:00 「公演」放送日
Roppongi Men’s Chorus Club Musical: “West Size Story”
BS Asahi (BS Digital Channel 5)
“Making Of”: Sunday, January 25, 13:00 ~ 13:55
Actual Final Performance: February 15, 25:00 ~ 27:00
